P-Tile Avalon® Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 683059
Date 10/07/2021

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Document Table of Contents Access Control Service (ACS) Capabilities

Table 28.  ACS Capabilities for Physical Functions
Parameter Value Default Value Description
Enable Access Control Service (ACS) True/False False ACS defines a set of control points within a PCI Express topology to determine whether a TLP is to be routed normally, blocked, or redirected.
Enable ACS P2P Traffic Support True/False False Indicates if the component supports Peer to Peer Traffic.
Enable ACS P2P Egress Control True/False False

Indicates if the component implements ACS P2P Egress Control.

This parameter is visible only if Enable ACS P2P Traffic Support is set to True.

Enable ACS P2P Egress Control Vector Size 0 - 255 0

Indicates the number of bits in the ACS P2P Egress Control Vector.

Table 29.  ACS Capabilities for Virtual Functions
Parameter Value Default Value Description
Enable Access Control Service (ACS) True/False False ACS defines a set of control points within a PCI Express topology to determine whether a TLP is to be routed normally, blocked, or redirected.