Visible to Intel only — GUID: slm1538491923241
2.1. HLS AFU Design Example Software Requirements
2.2. Compiling and Simulating the HLS Component with the i++ Command
2.3. Generating a Platform Designer Container for the HLS Component
2.4. Generating the ASE Testbench
2.5. Running the ASE Testbench
2.6. Compiling the AF Bitstream
2.7. Loading AF Bitstream and Running the Host Application
5.1. Platform Designer Opens with an Error
5.2. The design unit was not found Error When Running the make sim Command
5.3. Verilog HDL Compilation Errors
5.4. Compilation Errors During ASE Testbench Generation
5.5. Incorrect Output During Simulation
5.6. AF Bitstream Compilation Fails
5.7. Verilog Files Not Found Errors
Visible to Intel only — GUID: slm1538491923241
5.2. The design unit was not found Error When Running the make sim Command
These types of errors commonly occur with your HLS AFU design when you incorrectly specify your filelist.txt. Ensure that the IPs and folders listed in filelist.txt match the structure of your project. Pay attention to the names of the IP files, as sometimes Platform Designer renames the IPs it uses. These errors may also occur if you added the HLS-generated IPs to the Intel® Quartus® Prime project-level search path instead of the global search path.
# Loading work.hls_afu_container_afu_id_Avalon-MM_slave_0
# Loading work.afu_id_Avalon-MM_slave
# Loading work.hls_afu_container_clock_in
# ** Error: (vsim-3033) /home/john/hls_afu/hls_afu/build_ase_dir/qsys_sim/qsys_0/hls_afu_container/synth/hls_afu_container.v(136): Instantiation of 'fpVectorReduce_ac_int' failed. The design unit was not found.
# Time: 0 ns Iteration: 0 Instance: /ase_top/platform_shim_ccip_std_afu/ccip_std_afu/afu_inst/u0 File: /home/john/hls_afu/hls_afu/build_ase_dir/qsys_sim/qsys_0/hls_afu_container/synth/hls_afu_container.v
# Searched libraries:
# /home/john/hls_afu/hls_afu/build_ase_dir/work/work
# Loading work.hls_afu_container_mm_bridge_0
# Loading work.altera_Avalon_mm_bridge
# Loading work.hls_afu_container_mm_bridge_1
# Loading work.hls_afu_container_reset_in