Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-C39E6A91-F44D-403D-8BAD-A44A398CEE41
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-C39E6A91-F44D-403D-8BAD-A44A398CEE41
Solves a system of linear equations for a triangular sparse matrix.
The oneapi::mkl::sparse::trsv routine solves the sparse triangular system

where is a sparse triangular matrix of size
rows by
columns and
is a matrix modifier:

The dense vectors and
must be at least of length
. The vector
is input right hand side data and math:y is the resulting output vector.

For a given matrix decomposition into lower, diagonal and upper parts , the triangular solve with one of oneapi::mkl::uplo::lower or oneapi::mkl::uplo::upper selected will perform the appropriate forward or backward substitution using respectively
for oneapi::mkl::diag::nonunit or if using oneapi::mkl::diag::unit, will perform the appropriate forward or backward substitution for
is the identity matrix.
Using SYCL buffers:
namespace oneapi::mkl::sparse { void trsv ( sycl::queue &queue, oneapi::mkl::uplo uplo_flag, oneapi::mkl::transpose transpose_flag, oneapi::mkl::diag diag_flag, oneapi::mkl::sparse::matrix_handle_t handle, sycl::buffer<DATA_TYPE, 1> &x, sycl::buffer<DATA_TYPE, 1> &y) }
Using USM pointers:
namespace oneapi::mkl::sparse { sycl::event trsv( sycl::queue &queue, oneapi::mkl::uplo uplo_flag, oneapi::mkl::transpose transpose_flag, oneapi::mkl::diag diag_flag, oneapi::mkl::sparse::matrix_handle_t handle, DATA_TYPE *x, DATA_TYPE *y, const std::vector<sycl::event> &dependencies = {}) }
Include Files
Input Parameters
- queue
Specifies the SYCL command queue which will be used for SYCL kernels execution.
- uplo_flag
Specifies which part of the matrix is to be processed.
The lower triangular matrix part is processed.
The upper triangular matrix part is processed.
- transpose_flag
Specifies operation op() on input matrix.
Conjugate transpose,
NOTE:Currently, the only supported case for operation is oneapi::mkl::transpose::nontrans. - diag_flag
Specifies if the diagonal used for computations is unit or based on provided matrix data.
Diagonal elements are used as provided in the sparse matrix.
The value of one is substituted for the diagonal elements in the triangular solve algorithm.
NOTE:If oneapi::mkl::diag::nonunit is selected, all diagonal values must be present in the sparse matrix sparsity profile and must not be zero valued. This is not necessary for the oneapi::mkl::diag::unit case. An exception of type onemkl::invalid_value() will be thrown in case this is violated. - handle
Handle to object containing sparse matrix and other internal data. Created using one of the oneapi::mkl::sparse::set_<sparse_matrix_type>_data routines.
NOTE:Currently, the only supported case for <sparse_matrix_type> is csr. - x
SYCL buffer or device-accessible USM pointer of size at least equal to the number of columns of input matrix if transpose_flag = oneapi::mkl::transpose::nontrans and at least the number of rows of input matrix otherwise. It is the input vector x
- dependencies
A vector of type std::vector<sycl::event> containing the list of events that the oneapi::mkl::sparse::trsv routine depends on.
Output Parameters
- y
SYCL buffer or device-accessible USM pointer of size at least equal to the number of rows of the input matrix if transpose_flag = oneapi::mkl::transpose::nontrans and at least the number of columns of the input matrix otherwise. The solution of the triangular solve is filled into this array.
Return Values (USM Only)
- sycl::event
SYCL event which can be waited upon or added as a dependency for the completion of the trsv routine.
An example of how to use oneapi::mkl::sparse::trsv with SYCL buffers or USM can be found in the oneMKL installation directory, under: