Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-E8C70B5E-72C3-4A78-B675-25ED3ED22741
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-E8C70B5E-72C3-4A78-B675-25ED3ED22741
Generates hypergeometrically distributed random values.
The oneapi::mkl::rng::hypergeometric class object is used in the oneapi::mkl::rng::generate function to provide hypergeometrically distributed random values with lot size l, size of sampling s, and number of marked elements in the lot m, where l, m, s∈N∪{0}; l≥ max(s, m).
Consider a lot of l elements comprising m “marked” and l-m “unmarked” elements. A trial sampling without replacement of exactly s elements from this lot helps to define the hypergeometric distribution, which is the probability that the group of s elements contains exactly k marked elements.
The probability distribution is given by:

, k∈ {max(0, s + m - l), …, min(s, m)}
The cumulative distribution function is as follows:

Product and Performance Information |
Performance varies by use, configuration and other factors. Learn more at Notice revision #20201201 |
template<typename IntType = std::int32_t, typename Method = hypergeometric_method::by_default> class hypergeometric { public: using method_type = Method; using result_type = IntType; hypergeometric(): hypergeometric(1, 1, 1){} explicit hypergeometric(std::int32_t l, std::int32_T s, std::int32_T m); explicit hypergeometric(const param_type& pt); std::int32_t s() const; std::int32_t m() const; std::int32_t l() const; param_type param() const; void param(const param_type& pt); };
Devices supported: CPU and GPU
Include Files
Template Parameters
typename IntType = std::int32_t |
Type of the produced values. The specific values are as follows: std::int32_t std::uint32_t |
typename Method = oneapi::mkl::rng:: hypergeometric_method:: by_default |
Generation method. The specific values are as follows: oneapi::mkl::rng::hypergeometric_method::h2pe See brief descriptions of the methods in Distributions Template Parameter Method. |
Input Parameters
Name |
Type |
Description |
l |
std::int32_t |
Lot size of l. |
s |
std::int32_t |
Size of sampling without replacement. |
m |
std::int32_t |
Number of marked elements m. |