Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 12/16/2022

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Window: Survey Report

After running the Vectorization and Code Insights perspective, Intel Advisor generates a Survey report that helps you identify top time-consuming and non- or under-vectorized functions/loops.


There are many controls available to help you focus on the data most important to you, including the following:


Click the control to save a read-only result snapshot you can view any time.

Intel Advisor stores only the most recent analysis result. Visually comparing one or more snapshots to each other or to the most recent analysis result can be an effective way to judge performance improvement progress.

To open a snapshot, choose File > Open > Result...


Click the various Filter controls to temporarily limit displayed data based on your criteria.


Click the control to view loops in non-executed code paths for various instruction set architectures (ISAs). Prerequisites:

  • Compile the target application for multiple code paths using the Intel compiler.

  • Enable the Analyze loops in not executed code path checkbox in Project Properties > Analysis Target > Survey Hotspots Analysis.


This toggle control currently combines two features: The View Configurator and the Smart Mode filter.

  • View Configurator - Toggle on the Customize View control to choose the view layout to display: Default, Smart Mode, or a customized view layout. To create a customized view layout you can apply to this and other projects:

    1. Click the Settings control next to the View Layout drop-down list to open the Configure Columns dialog box.

    2. Choose an existing view layout in the Configuration drop-down list.

    3. Enable/disable columns to show/hide.

      Outcome: Copy n is added to the name of the selected view layout in the Configuration drop-down list.

    4. Click the Rename button and supply an appropriate name for the customized view layout.

    5. Click OK to save the customized view layout.

  • Smart Mode Filter - Toggle on the Customize View control to temporarily limit displayed data to the top potential candidates for optimization based on Total CPU Time (the time your application spends actively executing a function/loop and its callees). In the Top drop-down list, choose one of the following:

    • The Number of top loops/functions to display

    • The Percent of Total CPU Time the displayed loops/functions must equal or exceed



Click the button to search for specific data.