Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 12/16/2022

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Document Table of Contents

What's New in Intel® Advisor

This topic lists new high-level features and improvements in Intel® Advisor. For a full list of new features, see Intel Advisor Release Notes.

Intel® Advisor 2023.0

GPU Profiling and Roofline:

  • Get actionable advice to design code that runs optimally on Intel® Data Center GPU MAX Series (formerly code named Ponte Vecchio).
  • Discover GPU application performance characterization, such as bandwidth sensitivity, instruction mix, and cache-line use.
  • Automated Roofline Analysis helps to identify and prioritize memory, cache, or compute bottlenecks and understand their likely causes.

Intel® Advisor 2022.1

  • Usability:
    • Performance metrics in GPU Roofline Source view in the Intel Advisor GUI

      In the GPU Roofline Insights report, you can switch to Source View and examine the source code of your application with performance metrics for each kernel, such as elapsed time and memory traffic.

    • New panes in an interactive HTML Report: GPU Details in the GPU Roofline Insights perspective and Data Transfer Estimations in the Offload Modeling perspective

      The interactive HTML report, which combines Offload Modeling and GPU Roofline Insights results, now includes two new panes, which are similar to the panes with the same name in the Intel Advisor GUI report:

      • GPU Roofline Insights perspective includes the GPU Details pane, which reports detailed code analytics for a selected kernel, such as Roofline guidance with the main limiting roof and estimated speedup after optimization, compute and memory bandwidth, memory usage metrics.

      • Offload Modeling perspective includes the Data Transfer Estimations pane, which reports estimated data transferred between host and target devices in each direction and a list of offloaded objects.

      You can use the interactive HTML reports to analyze Intel Advisor results on a remote machine using your web browser or share the results. See Work with Standalone HTML Reports for details.

  • Offload Modeling:
    • Adjustable hardware parameters in an interactive HTML report and GUI report

      Offload Modeling report includes a new Modeling Parameters pane, which shows available target devices for modeling and hardware configuration parameters for a selected device. Each parameter is a slider that you can adjust to a desired value to get a custom configuration for remodeling.

      The pane is available in the interactive HTML report and Intel Advisor GUI report and has the same functionality. You can use it to:

      • Examine device parameters that the application performance was modeled on to understand how they affect the estimated performance.
      • Change the target device to compare the new configuration with the current modeled device.
      • Adjust the parameters and remodel performance for a custom device. You can experiment with parameters to see how they affect the application performance or adjust the configuration to model performance for a future or a specific device not listed in the target devices. See the sections below for a full workflow.

        For CPU-to-GPU modeling, you can remodel performance using Intel Advisor CLI only.

      See Model Application Performance on a Custom Target GPU Device for more information about how to work with the pane.

    • New recommendation to optimize data transfer costs with data reuse when porting your application from a CPU to a GPU

      Offload Modeling perspective introduces a new actionable recommendation for optimizing data transfer costs with data reuse before porting your application from a CPU to a GPU. Data reuse can help you improve the application performance on the GPU by optimizing data transfer efficiency.

      The recommendation is reported in a Recommendations pane of the Accelerated Regions tab. The recommendation includes estimated performance characteristics and data reuse gain, as well as code snippet examples for applying data reuse techniques.

      See Examine Data Transfers for Modeled Regions for details.

  • Documentation:

Intel® Advisor 2022.0

  • GPU Roofline:
    • New recommendation to optimize GPU general purpose register file (GRF) usage and improve performance.

      The GPU Roofline Insights perspective introduces actionable recommendations for improving your application performance on GPU by optimizing GRF usage. The recommendations are reported in a Recommendations pane in the GPU Roofline Regions report. See Get Recommendations for details.

    • New GPU memory and compute metrics.

      The GPU pane in the GPU Roofline Regions tab introduces several new metrics. Some of the new metrics are:

      Memory metrics:

      Compute metrics:

  • Documentation:
    • Command-line cheat sheet for quick reference

      Introduced a new downloadable Intel Advisor command-line cheat sheet, which lists the most useful command-line interface (CLI) options. You can use this print-friendly PDF for quick reference on the Intel Advisor CLI.

Support for Microsoft* Visual Studio* 2017 is deprecated as of the Intel® oneAPI 2022.1 release, and will be removed in a future release.