Intel® Advisor User Guide

ID 766448
Date 12/16/2022

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Collecting Trace Files without fgtrun Script

You can choose to collect traces without the fgtrun script if you do not want to launch your application from a Visual Studio* command prompt or Linux* terminal. In this case, follow the steps below to collect and convert trace files manually.


These steps do not outline steps required to capture symbol resolution information.

  1. Set paths to the collector libraries.

    Set up or update the environment variables shown below. For Windows* systems, specify also the proper version of the Microsoft Visual Studio* compiler (vc12, vc14, or vc14.1).

    Operating System

    Environment Variable

    Default Value




    ..\fgt\windows\bin\ia32\<vc version>\fgt.dll

    32-bit collector library


    ..\fgt\windows\bin\intel64\<vc version>\fgt.dll

    64-bit collector library



    Trace events from all groups




    32-bit collector library



    64-bit collector library

    If you want the Microsoft Visual Studio* IDE to use the environment variables set in a Microsoft Visual Studio command prompt, you can launch the Visual Studio* IDE from the command prompt using the following command:

    devenv /useenv
  2. Run the application.

    If your paths are set up correctly, the application generates one or more files that start with _fgt. There is one file per thread that participates in executing the parallelism in the application. So, for example, if two threads participate in the execution of the flow graph, your run generates two files: _fgt.0 and _fgt.1, with an autogenerated folder in the format _fga_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS according to its creation (for example, 20191111_1111).

  3. Convert the trace files to GraphML* and TraceML* format.

    Convert the _fgt binary files to the XML format understood by the Flow Graph Analyzer tool using the fgt2xml.exe converter in the directory containing the folder with the trace files:

    fgt2xml.exe <desired_name>

    This converter scans the current directory for all _fgt files within the most recent folder according to its name and generates two output files: desired_name.graphml and desired_name.traceml.