Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-5863FEAA-2A28-4662-96A3-5502B55C2678
Visible to Intel only — GUID: GUID-5863FEAA-2A28-4662-96A3-5502B55C2678
Analyze MPI Applications
With Intel® Advisor, you can analyze parallel tasks running on a cluster to examine performance of your MPI application.
To start MPI jobs, use an MPI launcher such as mpirun, mpiexec, srun, aprun. You can use the Intel Advisor with the Intel® MPI Library or other MPI implementations only through the command line interface, but you can view the result using the standalone GUI, as well as the command line. The examples provided in this section use mpirun with the advisor command line interface (CLI) to spawn processes across the cluster and collect data about the application.
To analyze your MPI application:
- Prerequisite: Set up environment variables to enable Intel Advisor CLI.
- Optional: Get pre-configured command lines.
- Run Intel Advisor analyses with one of the following:
- View the results.
You can analyze your application as one of the following:
- If you have a directory shared between remote and local systems: Collect data remotely to the shared directory. In this case, you do not need to move a project between the systems.
- If you do not have a shared directory: Collect data to a directory on a remote system (for example, on a cluster), generate a snapshot (optionally), and copy the snapshot or a project to your local system to view the result. If you generate a snapshot, you do not need to configure the search paths for a project.
Get Preconfigured Command Lines
You can generate pre-configured command lines for collecting results for the Intel MPI Library launcher or a custom launcher using Intel Advisor graphical user interface (GUI). In this case, you do not need to type each command with all options and paths to a project directory and an application executable manually.
See Generate Command Lines for details.
Use Intel® MPI Library
With the Intel MPI Library, you can analyze a single MPI rank or several ranks of your MPI application with the Intel Advisor. This can help you to decrease analysis overhead.
Recommended MPI ranks to analyze are rank 1 and higher, because rank 0 might include time for configuration and not be a good representative for the general MPI application performance.
MPI Command Syntax
To collect performance data for an MPI application with Intel Advisor using the mpirun launcher of the Intel MPI Library, use the following command syntax:
mpirun -gtool "advisor --collect=<analysis-type> --search-dir src:r=<source-dir> [--no-auto-finalize] --project-dir=<project-dir>:<rank-set>" -n <N><application-name> [<application-options>]
- -gtool allows you to run Intel Advisor analyses for the specified MPI ranks only. This option is available for Intel MPI Library 5.0.2 or higher.
- <analysis-type> is an Intel Advisor analysis to run: survey, tripcounts, map. dependencies, projection.
- <source-dir> is the path to the directory where application sources are stored. Specify it if you disabled autofinalization.
- <project-dir> is the path/name of the project directory where the analysis results are saved. Specify the same project directory when running various Intel Advisor collections for the selected process.
- <ranks-set> is a set of MPI ranks to analyze. Each rank corresponds to an MPI process and is used to identify the result data. Separate ranks with a comma or use a dash " - " to set a range of ranks. Use with -gtool option only. Do not specify if you want to analyze all ranks.
- <N> is the number of MPI processes to launch.
- --no-auto-finalize disables result finalization on the target system to decrease overhead. The results are finalized when you import them or open in Intel Advisor GUI. Do not use this option if you do not use a shared directory and plan to copy results from cluster with snapshot. See Temporarily Disable Finalization for details.
Analyze a Single Rank of MPI Application with Intel MPI Library
Prerequisite: Set up environment variables to enable Intel Advisor CLI.
In the commands below:
- Data is collected remotely to a shared directory.
- The analyses are performed for an application running in four processes.
- Path to an application executable is ./mpi_sample.
Note: In the commands below, make sure to replace the application path and name before executing a command. If your application requires additional command line options, add them after the executable name.
- Path to an Intel Advisor project directory is ./advi_results.
This example shows how to run a Survey, Trip Counts, and Roofline analyses for the rank 1 of the MPI application with the gtool option of the Intel MPI Library.
- Collect survey data for rank 1 into the shared ./advi_results project directory on a target system.
mpirun -gtool "advisor --collect=survey --project-dir=./advi_results:1" -n 4 ./mpi_sample
- Run the Trip Counts analysis with FLOP collection for rank 1 on the target system.
mpirun -gtool "advisor --collect=tripcounts --flop --project-dir=./advi_results:1" -n 4 ./mpi_sample
After you collect the Survey, Trip Counts, and FLOP data, you also get the Roofline report for your application.
- If you did not collect data to a shared location and need to copy the data to the local system to view the results, do it now.
- On the local system, view the results with your preferred method. You can view only one process data at a time.
Analyze Multiple Ranks of MPI Application with Intel MPI Library
Prerequisite: Set up environment variables to enable Intel Advisor CLI.
In the commands below:
- Data is collected remotely to a shared directory.
- The analyses are performed for an application running in four processes.
- Path to an application executable is ./mpi_sample.
Note: In the commands below, make sure to replace the application path and name before executing a command. If your application requires additional command line options, add them after the executable name.
- Path to an Intel Advisor project directory is ./advi_results.
Analyze a Set of Ranks
This example shows how to run a Survey, Trip Counts, and Roofline analyses for a set of ranks of the MPI application with the gtool option of the Intel MPI Library.
- Collect survey data for ranks 1, 2, and 4 into the shared ./advi_results project directory on a target system.
mpirun -gtool "advisor --collect=survey --project-dir=./advi_results:1-2,4" -n 4 ./mpi_sample
- Run the Trip Counts analysis with FLOP collection for ranks 1, 2, and 4 on a target system.
mpirun -gtool "advisor --collect=tripcounts --flop --project-dir=./advi_results:1-2,4" -n 4./mpi_sample
After you collect the Survey, Trip Counts, and FLOP data, you also get the Roofline report for your application.
- If you did not collect data to a shared location and need to copy the data to the local system to view the results, do it now.
- On the local system, view the results with your preferred method. You can view only one process data at a time.
Analyze All Ranks
This example shows how to run a Survey, Trip Counts, and Roofline analyses for all ranks of the MPI application with the gtool option of the Intel MPI Library.
- Collect survey data for all ranks into the shared ./advi_results project directory on a target system.
mpirun -gtool "advisor --collect=survey --project-dir=./advi_results" -n 4 ./mpi_sample
- Run the Trip Counts analysis with FLOP collection for all ranks on a target system.
mpirun -gtool "advisor --collect=tripcounts --flop --project-dir=./advi_results" -n 4./mpi_sample
After you collect the Survey, Trip Counts, and FLOP data, you also get the Roofline report for your application.
- If you did not collect data to a shared location and need to copy the data to the local system to view the results, do it now.
- On the local system, view the results with your preferred method. You can view only one process data at a time.
Use Non-Intel MPI Library
With non-Intel MPI library implementation, you can only analyze all ranks of your MPI application with Intel Advisor. This might increase analysis overhead.
MPI Command Syntax
To collect performance data for an MPI application with Intel Advisor using the mpirun launcher, use the following command syntax:
mpirun -n <N> "advisor --collect=<analysis-type> --search-dir src:r=<source-dir>--trace-mpi [--no-auto-finalize] --project-dir=<project-dir>" <application-name> [<application-options>]
- <N> is the number of MPI processes to launch.
- <analysis-type> is an Intel Advisor analysis to run: survey, tripcounts, map. dependencies, projection.
- <source-dir> is the path to the directory where application sources are stored. Specify it if you disabled autofinalization.
- <project-dir> is the path/name of the project directory where the analysis results are saved. Specify the same project directory when running various Intel Advisor collections for the selected process.
- --trace-mpi enables analyzing non-Intel MPI library implementations. This option is required for non-Intel MPI implementation.
- --no-auto-finalize disables result finalization on the target system to decrease overhead. The results are finalized when you import them or open in Intel Advisor GUI. Do not use this option if you do not use a shared directory and plan to copy results from cluster with snapshot. See Temporarily Disable Finalization for details.
Analyze an MPI Application with Non-Intel MPI Library
Prerequisite: Set up environment variables to enable Intel Advisor CLI.
In the commands below:
- Data is collected remotely to a shared directory.
- The analyses are performed for an application running in four processes.
- Path to an application executable is ./mpi_sample.
Note: In the commands below, make sure to replace the application path and name before executing a command. If your application requires additional command line options, add them after the executable name.
- Path to an Intel Advisor project directory is ./advi_results.
This example shows how to run a Survey, Trip Counts, and Roofline analyses for all 4 ranks of the MPI application.
- Collect survey data for all ranks into the shared ./advi_results project directory on a target system.
mpirun -n 4 "advisor --collect=survey --project-dir=./advi_results"./mpi_sample
- Run the Trip Counts analysis with FLOP collection on the target system.
mpirun -n 4 "advisor --collect=tripcounts --flop --project-dir=./advi_results" ./mpi_sample
After you collect the Survey, Trip Counts, and FLOP data, you also get the Roofline report for your application.
- If you did not collect data to a shared location and need to copy the data to the local system to view the results, do it now.
- On the local system, view the results with your preferred method. You can view only one process data at a time.
For example:
mpiexec -gwdir \<host1>\mpi -hosts 2 <host1> 1 <host2> 1 advisor --collect=survey --project-dir=\<host1>\mpi\advi_results -- \<host1>\mpi\mpi_sample.exe
advisor --import-dir=\<host1>\mpi\advi_results --project-dir=\<host1>\mpi\new_advi_results --search-dir src:=\<host1>\mpi --mpi-rank=1
advisor --report=survey --project-dir=\<host1>\mpi\new_advi_results
mpiexec -mapall -gwdir z:\ -hosts 2 <host1> 1 <host2> 1 advisor --collect=survey --project-dir=z:\advi_results -- z:\mpi_sample.exe
mpiexec -map z:\<host1>\mpi -gwdir z:\ -hosts 2 <host1> 1 <host2> 1 advisor --collect=survey --project-dir=z:\advi_results -- z:\mpi_sample.exe
View Results
Intel Advisor saves collection results into subdirectories for each rank analyzed under the project directory specified with --project-dir. The subdirectories are named as rank.<n> , where the numeric suffix <n> corresponds to an MPI rank analyzed. You can only view results for one rank at a time.
To view the performance results collected for a specific rank, you can do one of the following.
View Results in GUI
From the Intel Advisor GUI, open a result project file *.advixeproj that resides in the <project-dir> /rank.<n> directory.
You can also open the GUI from command line:
advisor-gui ./advi_results/rank.1
View Results in Command Line
Run the Intel Advisor --report action to print the result summary in a terminal:
advisor --report=<analysis-type> --project-dir=<project-dir> --mpi-rank=<n>
- <analysis-type> is the Intel Advisor analysis you want to print the results for.
- <project-dir> is the same project directory as you used for data collection.
- <n> is the number of MPI rank you want to view results for.
View Results in a File
You can save results for a specified rank to a TXT, CSV, or a XML file. For example, save the results to a advisor_result.csv file, run the following command:
advisor --report=<analysis-type> --format=csv --report-output=advisor_result.csv --project-dir=<project-dir> --mpi-rank=<n>
- <analysis-type> is the Intel Advisor analysis you want to print the results for.
- <project-dir> is the same project directory as you used for data collection.
- <n> is the number of MPI rank you want to view results for.
- --format specified the file format to save the results to. In the command above, it is CSV.
Additional MPI Resources
For more details on analyzing MPI applications, see the Intel MPI Library and online MPI documentation on the Intel® Developer Zone at
For detailed syntax, refer to the Intel® MPI Library Developer Reference for Linux* OS or Intel® MPI Library Developer Reference for Windows* OS.
Hybrid applications: Intel MPI Library and OpenMP* on the Intel Developer Zone at
- Model MPI Application Performance on GPU
You can model your MPI application performance on a target graphics processing unit (GPU) device to determine whether you can get a performance speedup from offloading the application to the GPU. - Control Collection with an MPI_Pcontrol Function