Nios® V Processor: Lockstep Implementation

ID 833274
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.2.2. Connecting Configuration Interface

The Configuration interface is an Avalon® MM Agent.

For most accesses, the WAITREQUEST output is driven to 1’b0 (no wait). WAITREQUEST introduces wait states only after fault detection (the fRSmartComp_nios2 detects a wrong access from the Configuration Interface).

READDATAVALID is always driven to 1’b1 (read data available) one clock cycle after the read has been commanded.

You can connect the Configuration Interface to the Nios® V processor Data Manager to access the fRSmartComp memory map by the Host CPU. Optionally, according to the system-level Safety Architecture, the Configuration Interface may also be connected to a System Supervisor other than the Nios® V processor mentioned above.
Figure 22. Host CPU as System Supervisor
Note: Altera recommends an external manager as the System Supervisor (rather than the Host CPU) to ensure system-level safety architecture.