Nios® V Processor: Lockstep Implementation

ID 833274
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.5. Applying Optional Injection for Validation

While the fRSmartComp is in an OD state and actively seeking faults, you have the option to inject faults to simulate a mismatch event. This feature comes in handy during development to validate the System Supervisor’s functionality to handle real faults.

There are two injections available in fRSmartComp.

  • Root Fault Injection – A sticky root fault that triggers fRSmartComp comparators, which leads to fRSmartComp state change and alarm generation.
  • Alarm Fault Injection—A benign alarm fault that asserts the ffRSmartComp alarm without triggering the comparator and without changing the fRSmartComp state.
Note: fRSmartComp generates other responses along with alarm generation. Refer to the next topic, Detecting Faults to disable the other responses if they are redundant.
Table 64.  Behavior of Fault Injection
Injection Inject Action Clear Action
Root Fault Injection
  1. Select slices using the ERRCTRL_PGO0 register.
  2. Start injection using the ERRCTRL_ROOT_INJ register.

Requires System Supervisor to restart the whole processor (Host CPU, fRSmartComp, and Agent CPU) to clear the injected root faults.

Alarm Fault Injection Select the alarm and start using the ERRCTRL_ALARM_INJ register.

Clear the benign alarms by disabling the alarm injection using the ERRCTRL_ALARM_INJ register during runtime.