Nios® V Processor: Lockstep Implementation

ID 833274
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents Comparator Blind Window

You can use the Comparator Blind Window to align the two CPUs before the fRSmartComp compares their outputs. During this period, the fRSmartComp comparators’ outputs are masked when the blind window is active.

The Blind Window:

  • Starts from the de-assertion of the CPUs’ asynchronous reset, both at power-on and in the case of a CPU warm reset.
  • Starts when the blind window duration value is changed in the DCLSM_BWCR register, visible from the Configuration Interface.
  • Has a programmable duration in terms of number of clock cycles. By default, the DCLSM_BWCR register sets the duration to the Blind Window Period IP Parameter value. After that, the duration is configurable through the DCLSM_BWCR register.