Nios® V Processor: Lockstep Implementation

ID 833274
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents Basic Reset Control

In the Basic Reset Control, consider only the Power-On Resets. You can use the original User Reset Controller to deliver the Power-On Resets and CPU Reset Request because the fRSmartComp generates the resets for the Agent CPU.

  • On Power-On Reset or CPU Reset Request, the reset signals asynchronously reset the Host CPU and the fRSmartComp. The fRSmartComp generates delayed reset signals for the Agent CPU.
  • The Agent CPU is instead brought out of asynchronous reset 2 clock cycles after the Host CPU (to manage the Time Diversity). The generation of these 2-clock-cycles delayed reset request signals is carried out by the fRSmartComp.
Figure 18. Basic Reset Control

The Host CPU and other functional blocks closely related to the CPU (such as the interconnect, the memory controllers, the peripherals, etc.) are all connected to reset from the User Reset Controller. The situation is similar to that of a Nios® V processor system without the Lockstep feature (without the fRSmartComp and the Agent CPU). For more information, refer to the topic Reset and Debug Signals.

The processor and fRSmartComp reset-related I/Os are connected as follows:
  • Nios® V processor reset interface is connected to the User Reset Controller.
  • Optional Nios® V processor cpu_resetreq interface is connected to the User Reset Controller.

In the event of an asynchronous reset from the User Reset Controller, the whole system reset. This includes the Nios® V processor (Host CPU, fRSmartComp, and Agent CPU), system peripherals, and system memories.

Figure 19. Timing Diagram of a Basic Reset Control(RS_1)