Visible to Intel only — GUID: ikc1716215078936
1. About the Drive-on-Chip with Functional Safety Design Example for Agilex™ 7 Devices
2. Getting Started
3. Rebuilding the Drive-on-Chip Design
4. Functional Description of the Drive-On-Chip with Functional Safety Design Example for Agilex 7 Devices
5. HPS Channel Safety Software
6. Drive-on-Chip Design Recommendations and Disclaimers
7. Document Revision History for AN 999: Drive-on-Chip with Functional Safety Design Example for Agilex 7 Devices
2.1. Software Requirements for the Drive-On-Chip with Functional Safety Design Example for Agilex 7 Devices
2.2. Hardware Requirements for the Safe Drive-On-Chip with Functional Safety Design Example for Agilex 7 Devices
2.3. Downloading and Installing the Design
2.4. Installing Python
2.5. Creating an SD Card Image
2.6. Setting Up your Development Board for the Drive-On-Chip with Functional Safety Design Example for Agilex 7 Devices
2.7. Debugging and Monitoring the Drive-On-Chip with Functional Safety Design Example for Agilex 7 Devices with Python GUI
2.8. Looking into the Drive-On-Chip Output
3.1. Generating the Platform Designer System
3.2. Generating and Building the NiosV/g BSP for the Drive-On-Chip Design Example
3.3. Compiling the Hardware in the Intel Quartus Prime Software
3.4. Modifying the Motor Control Software Application
3.5. Generating .jic and .rbf files After Hardware Modifications
3.6. Recreate an SD Card Image
3.7. Modifying the HPS Safety Function Application
Visible to Intel only — GUID: ikc1716215078936
2.3. Downloading and Installing the Design
The download for the Drive-on-Chip with Functional Safety Design Example for Agilex 7 Devices is a .par file.
- Download the relevant design .par file for your development kit and power board from the Intel® FPGA Design Store.
- Install the relevant design .par file for the Agilex 7 FPGA F-series Transceiver-SoC Development Kit development kit and power board by clicking DOC_SAFETY_TANDEM_MOTORSIM_AGILEX7.par
- Double click in the .par file or alternatively use Quartus command line to open it:
>> quartus DOC_SAFETY_TANDEM_MOTORSIM_AGILEX7.parThe contents of the .par file open into the working directory.