AN 1006: Multi-Project Analysis with Exploration Dashboard

ID 816589
Date 4/01/2024

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2.5. Step 5: Analyze the Results of Report Timing

Follow the steps to analyze the results of running Report Timing and dive deeper into the results of each set of compilations.
  1. Under Reports, click Report Timing in the Tasks list. The Report Timing dialog box appears.
    Figure 21. Report Timing Task

  2. Under Analysis type, select Setup, and then type 100 for Report number of paths.
    Figure 22. Report Timing Dialog Box Options

  3. Click OK. Exploration Dashboard analyzes the results across each project and opens the aggregated Report Timing (Merged) report after generation.

    In the top pane of this report, each row corresponds to a bundle of paths across each project that share a common “From Node” and “To Node” pattern. These patterns are generated from the “From Node” and “To Node” fields in each project report. Exploration Dashboard performs some report processing, such as replacing specific bus indexes with “*” and stripping Compiler-generated suffixes.

    The report processing allows Exploration Dashboard to group timing results from similarly named nodes within the design and take measurements of the bundle such as Min Slack, Average Slack, and Max Slack. In addition, Exploration Dashboard can report the Number of Paths (the total size of the bundle), and the Number of Projects (the number of unique projects reporting at least one path in the bundle).

  4. Select a row in the top table to populate the bottom table with the raw Report Timing results.
    Figure 23. Aggregated Report Timing Panel

  5. To access more detail about a given path from a given project, navigate to that project’s corresponding report folder (for example seed_3).
    Figure 24. Report Timing for Single Project

  6. Select the corresponding row in the top pane table. Path detail reports then display in the bottom half of the report pane, with tabular report data similar to the Timing Analyzer.
    Figure 25. Report Timing of Connected Project

  7. When you are done with analysis, you can disconnect the remote connections. All imported data persists in the workspace, and appears the next time the open the workspace. There is no need to save the workspace data before closing Exploration Dashboard.