1.2. Example Design Setup
This tutorial uses a simple fir_filter design to demonstrate using the Exploration Dashboard to simultaneously analyze multiple projects.
The Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software installation includes the sample fir_filter project in the quartus/qdesigns/fir_filter/ directory by default.
Follow these steps to setup the example design for launch of Exploration Dashboard and results analysis of three projects that differ by compilation seed:
- Create a new, empty working directory.
- Copy the quartus/qdesigns/fir_filter/ directory into your empty working directory. The quartus/qdesigns/fir_filter/ directory contains the fir_filter.qpf project file. The project name is fir_filter. The project revision name is filtref.
- Modify the example project's filtref.qsf Quartus Prime settings file to include the following line:
set_global_assignment -name SEED 1
- Rename the copied directory to seed_1.
- Repeat steps 2 through 4, except change the seed value to 2 and 3, naming the directories seed_2 and seed_3, respectively.
Figure 1. Post-Setup Project File Structure and QSF Content