AN 1006: Multi-Project Analysis with Exploration Dashboard

ID 816589
Date 4/01/2024

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2.4. Step 4: Import and Analyze Timing Summary Reports

You can review the Timing Analyzer's Timing Summary reports to determine initial design performance across all clock domains. The Exploration Dashboard allows you to easily compare the timing summary data from each connected project in the group.
To import and analyze the Timing Summary data in Exploration Dashboard, follow these steps:
  1. Launch connections and compile the project, as Step 3: Launch Connections and Compile the Projects describes.
  2. In the Tasks list, click Import Timing Summaries. The Import Timing Summaries dialog box appears.
    Figure 16. Import Timing Summaries Task

  3. Ensure that all analysis types are enabled and click OK.
    Figure 17. Import Timing Summaries Dialog Box Options

    Exploration Dashboard automatically aggregates the reports from each project, and highlights the report panel inside the all_seeds report folder. For this example design, the Timing Summary: Recovery and Timing Summary: Removal reports do not contain analysis data. For this example, only the Setup and Hold reports are analyzed.

    Figure 18. Timing Summary: Setup Report Task

  4. Click the + icon in the report pane to split the pane in half, allowing a simultaneous view of Setup and Hold results.
    Figure 19. Timing Summary Aggregated Reports (Split-Pane View)

    In Timing Summary Aggregation Reports, the Setup and Hold results display for the clock with the name clk. At the top of each report, the table summarizes the Min Slack, Average Slack, and Max Slack for this clock, across all projects in the analysis.

  5. Select a row of the top table. The bottom half of each report pane populates with the raw timing data of each project. For this example, the seed_3 project has the highest worst-case Setup slack, and the highest worst-case Hold slack across all project compilation results.
  6. To open the reports, expand the seed_1 folder, then the Analysis Reports folder for each project. View the Timing Summary: Setup report. Your actual results may vary.
    Figure 20. Timing Summary: Setup Report of Connected Project in Exploration Dashboard