2.1. Step 1: Create an Exploration Dashboard Workspace
Exploration Dashboard allows you to interact with multiple Quartus® Prime projects simultaneously within a unified dashboard workspace GUI. When you open Exploration Dashboard, you must first create and configure this workspace.
The Exploration Dashboard workspace is a single container that hosts the multi-project analysis. This workspace container is similar in purpose to the Quartus® Prime project that is a container for all the RTL, SDC, and IP files of each design you compile.
To create a workspace in Exploration Dashboard, follow these steps:
Note: Your actual compute specifications depend on your specific computing environment. You can use any supported job management interface available in Compute Spec Type of the Configure Compute Specification dialog box. If you select a compute spec other than ssh, you must enter appropriate data for the installation. All remaining steps of this tutorial are the same, regardless of the Compute Spec Type.