GTS JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 813959
Date 4/01/2024
Document Table of Contents

2.3. GTS JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP Features

The GTS JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP is a high-speed point-to-point serial interface intellectual property (IP). The GTS JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP is the latest IP from Intel that supports the GTS JESD204C protocol. This IP is not backwards compatible and does not support JESD204B protocol.

Table 6.  Brief Information about the GTS JESD204C Intel® FPGA IP



Protocol Features
  • Joint Electron Device Engineering Council (JEDEC) JESD204C standard 2017
  • Device subclass:
    • Subclass 0—No deterministic latency
    • Subclass 1—Uses SYSREF signal to support deterministic latency
Core Features
  • Data rate of up to 17.16 Gbps for Agilex™ 5 devices
  • Single or multiple lanes (up to 8 lanes per link)
  • Local extended multiblock clock (LEMC) counter based on E = 1 to 32
  • Supports F = 1 to 256 octets per frame
  • Serial lane alignment and monitoring
  • Lane synchronization
  • Modular design that supports multi-device synchronization
  • MAC and PHY partitioning
  • Deterministic latency support
  • Interrupts and error handling support
  • 64/66 encoding
  • Scrambling/descrambling
  • Avalon® streaming interface for transmit and receive datapaths
  • Avalon® memory-mapped interface for control and status registers (CSR)
  • Dynamic generation of simulation testbench
  • Optional support for ECC M20K DCFIFO
  • Support for Transceiver Toolkit for PMA using embedded Native PHY Debug Master Endpoint (NPDME)
  • Options for sync header configurations
    • CRC-12
    • Standalone command channels
Limitations No FEC support
Typical Application
  • Wireless communication equipment
  • Broadcast equipment
  • Military equipment
  • Medical equipment
  • Test and measurement equipment
Device Family Support
  • Agilex™ 5 FPGA devices
Design Tools
  • Platform Designer parameter editor in the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software for design creation and compilation
  • Timing Analyzer in the Quartus® Prime software for timing analysis

  • QuestaSim* and VCS* MX simulator software for design simulation or synthesis