Intel® Simics® Simulator for Intel® FPGAs: User Guide

ID 784383
Date 12/04/2023

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Document Table of Contents Memory Inspection

The physical memory of the current selected front-ended processor in the target system can be observed using the get command. The syntax of the command is the following:

get address [size] [-l] [-b]

The size argument specifies how many bytes must be read. It defaults to 4, but can be any number of bytes between 1 and 8 (inclusive). The -l or –b flags are used to select little or big endian.

Similarly, physical memory of the current selected front-ended processor can also be written. This is done with the set command. The syntax of the command is the following:

set address value [size] [-l] [-b]

The arguments are the same as for the get command with the addition of the value argument which corresponds to the value you want to write in the memory location.

The following are some examples:

# Intel Simics simulator CLI  

#Example to write and readback to location 0xffe00000 in physical memory
simics> get 0xffe00000 4
0x1400000a (LE)

simics> get 0xffe00000 4 -l
0x1400000a (LE)

simics> get 0xffe00000 4 -b
0xa000014 (BE)

simics> set 0xffe00000 0xdeadbeef
simics> get 0xffe00000 4 
0xdeadbeef (LE)

simics> set 0xffe00000 0x1400000a
simics> get 0xffe00000 4 
0x1400000a (LE)