Ethernet Subsystem Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 773413
Date 8/29/2023

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Document Table of Contents get_hssi_profile for F-Tile

This SAL command is used to poll the DR CSR Ready for New Trigger. The DR ready for trigger status is reflected in HSSI Command/Status CSR bit 3 following the write/read CSR sequence to HSSI Command/Status CSR as shown in the following table. This get_hssi_profile SAL command is executed in HW and not through SAL NIOS firmware to avoid extra latency introduced in the DR sequence.
Table 17.   get_hssi_profile
SAL command Write CSR Read CSR (polling) CSR Values

HSSI Command/Status [0:0] = 1 (read command)

HSSI Command/Status [1:1] = 0 (write command)

HSSI Command/Status [2:2] = 0 (reset ACK_TRANS)

HSSI Command/Status [3:3] = 0 (not busy)

HSSI Command/Status [0:0] = 1 (read command)

HSSI Command/Status [1:1] = 0 (write command)

HSSI Command/Status [2:2] = 1 (transfer completed)

HSSI Command/Status [3:3] = 0 (not ready) or 1 (ready)

dyn_rcfg_dr_trigger_reg [1:1] - Ready for trigger 0 = not ready 1 = ready
get_hssi_profile HSSI Write Data[31:24] = 1 HSSI Read Data[31:0] dyn_rcfg_dr_tx_fully_reset_ack_reg Values
get_hssi_profile HSSI Write Data[31:24] = 2 HSSI Read Data[31:0] dyn_rcfg_dr_tx_fully_reset_out_reset_reg Values
get_hssi_profile HSSI Write Data[31:24] = 3 HSSI Read Data[31:0] dyn_rcfg_dr_tx_reset_initial_reg Values
get_hssi_profile HSSI Write Data[31:24] = 4 HSSI Read Data[31:0] dyn_rcfg_dr_tx_src_alarm_reg Values
get_hssi_profile HSSI Write Data[31:24] = 5 HSSI Read Data[31:0] dyn_rcfg_dr_rx_fully_reset_ack_reg Values
get_hssi_profile HSSI Write Data[31:24] = 6 HSSI Read Data[31:0] dyn_rcfg_dr_rx_fully_reset_out_reset_reg Values
get_hssi_profile HSSI Write Data[31:24] = 7 HSSI Read Data[31:0] dyn_rcfg_dr_rx_reset_initial_reg Values
get_hssi_profile HSSI Write Data[31:24] = 8 HSSI Read Data[31:0] dyn_rcfg_dr_rx_src_alarm_reg Values
get_hssi_profile HSSI Write Data[31:24] = 9 HSSI Read Data[31:0] dyn_rcfg_local_error_stat_ctrl_reg Values
get_hssi_profile HSSI Write Data[31:24] = A HSSI Read Data[31:0] dyn_rcfg_local_rx_src_alarm_reg Values