Visible to Intel only — GUID: bnz1678993605154
Visible to Intel only — GUID: bnz1678993605154
3.3.1. Installing Prerequisite Software for Building an SD Card Image
- Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version 24.3
- Ashling* RiscFree* IDE for Intel® FPGAs
- (Ubuntu* only) Ubuntu* package libncurses5
If you did not install Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version 24.3 when following the instructions in the FPGA AI Suite Getting Started Guide, you must install it now.
Building the SD card image also requires tools provided by Ashling* RiscFree* IDE for Intel® FPGAs. You can install Ashling* RiscFree* IDE from a separate installation package or part of your Quartus® Prime bundled installation package.
You can download the required software from the following URL:
- Install Quartus® Prime Pro Edition and Ashling* RiscFree* IDE for Intel® FPGAs
- (Ubuntu only) Install Ubuntu package libcurses with the following command:
sudo apt install libncurses5
- Ensure that the QUARTUS_ROOTDIR environment variable is set properly:
If the QUARTUS_ROODIR is not set, run the following command:export QUARTUS_ROOTDIR=/opt/intel/intelFPGA_pro/24.3/quartus
If you chose install Quartus® Prime in a location other than the default location, adjust the path in export command to match your Quartus® Prime installation location
- Ensure your $PATH environment variable includes paths to the installed Quartus® Prime and Ashling* RiscFree* IDE binaries. Adjust the following commands appropriately if you did not install into the default location:
export PATH=$PATH:/opt/intel/intelFPGA_pro/24.3/niosv/bin export PATH=$PATH:/opt/intel/intelFPGA_pro/24.3/nios2eds/bin export PATH=$PATH:/opt/intel/intelFPGA_pro/24.3/riscfree/toolchain/riscv32-unknown-elf/bin
- Confirm that Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Version 24.3 is installed by running the following command:
quartus_cmd -v