Visible to Intel only — GUID: mtc1679349513571
1. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example User Guide
2. About the SoC Design Example
3. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example Quick Start Tutorial
4. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example Run Process
5. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example Build Process
6. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example Quartus® Prime System Architecture
7. FPGA AI Suite Soc Design Example Software Components
8. Streaming-to-Memory (S2M) Streaming Demonstration
A. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example User Guide Archives
B. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example User Guide Document Revision History
3.1. Initial Setup
3.2. Initializing a Work Directory
3.3. (Optional) Create an SD Card Image (.wic)
3.4. Writing the SD Card Image (.wic) to an SD Card
3.5. Preparing SoC FPGA Development Kits for the FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example
3.6. Adding Compiled Graphs (AOT files) to the SD Card
3.7. Verifying FPGA Device Drivers
3.8. Running the Demonstration Applications
7.1.1. Yocto Recipe: recipes-core/images/
7.1.2. Yocto Recipe: recipes-bsp/u-boot/u-boot-socfpga_%.bbappend
7.1.3. Yocto Recipe: recipes-drivers/msgdma-userio/
7.1.4. Yocto Recipe: recipes-drivers/uio-devices/
7.1.5. Yocto Recipe: recipes-kernel/linux/linux-socfpga-lts_%.bbappend
7.1.6. Yocto Recipe: recipes-support/devmem2/
7.1.7. Yocto Recipe: wic
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mtc1679349513571
3.6.4. Copying the Compiled Graphs to the SD card
To copy the required demonstration files to the /home/root/resnet-50-tf folder on the SD card:
- In the serial console, create directories to receive the model data and sample images:
mkdir ~/resnet-50-tf
- On the development host, use the secure copy (scp) command to copy the data to the board:
TARGET_IP=<Development Kit Hostname>.local TARGET=”root@$TARGET_IP:~/resnet-50-tf” demodir=$COREDLA_WORK/demo scp $demodir/*.bin $TARGET/. scp -r $demodir/sample_images/ $TARGET/. scp $COREDLA_ROOT/example_architectures/<architecture file> $TARGET/. scp $COREDLA_ROOT/build_os.txt $TARGET/../app/
where <architecture file> is one of the following files, depending on your development kit:- Agilex™ 7 FPGA I-Series Transceiver-SoC Development Kit
- Arria® 10 SX SoC FPGA Development Kit
- Agilex™ 7 FPGA I-Series Transceiver-SoC Development Kit
- [Optional] In the serial console run the sync command to ensure that the data is flushed to disk.