FPGA AI Suite: SoC Design Example User Guide

ID 768979
Date 12/16/2024
Document Table of Contents

3. FPGA AI Suite SoC Design Example Quick Start Tutorial

The SoC design example quick start tutorial provides instructions to do the following tasks:

  • Build a bitstream and flash card image for the FPGA development kit.
  • Run the dla_benchmark utility from the example runtime on the SoC FPGA HPS ( Arm* processor) host. This example runtime uses the memory-to-memory (M2M) model.
  • Run the streaming image application that streams data from the HPS Arm* processor host to the FPGA device in a way that mimics how data is streamed from any other input source (such as Ethernet, HDMI, or MIPI). This streaming image application uses the steaming-to-memory (S2M) model.
This quick start tutorial assumes that you have reviewed the following sections in the FPGA AI Suite Getting Started Guide:

SoC Design Example Quick Start Tutorial Prerequisites

Before you start the tutorial ensure that you have successfully completed the installation tasks outlined in "Installing the FPGA AI Suite Compiler and IP Generation Tools" in the FPGA AI Suite Getting Started Guide .

The remaining sections of the FPGA AI Suite Getting Started Guide can help you understand the overall flow of using the FPGA AI Suite, but they are not required to complete this quick start tutorial