Step 9: Programming the Board
This tutorial uses an Intel® Agilex® F-Series FPGA development board on the bench, outside of the PCIe* slot in your host machine. Before you program the board, ensure that you have completed the following steps:
- Connect the power supply to the Intel® Agilex® F-Series FPGA development board.
- Connect the Intel® FPGA Download Cable between your PC USB port and the Intel® FPGA Download Cable port on the development board.
To run the design on the Intel® Agilex® F-Series FPGA development board:
- Open the Intel® Quartus® Prime software and click .
- In the Programmer, click Hardware Setup and select USB-Blaster.
- Click Auto Detect and select the device, AGFB014R24AR0.
- Click OK. The Intel® Quartus® Prime software detects and updates the Programmer with the three FPGA devices on the board.
- Select the AGFB014R24AR0 device, click Change File and load the blinking_led_default.sof file.
- Enable Program/Configure for blinking_led_default.sof file.
- Click Start and wait for the progress bar to reach 100%.
- Observe the LEDs on the board blinking at the same frequency as the original flat design.
- To program only the PR region, right-click the blinking_led_default.sof file in the Programmer and click Add PR Programming File.
- Select the blinking_led_slow.pr_partition.rbf file.
- Disable Program/Configure for blinking_led_default.sof file.
- Enable Program/Configure for blinking_led_slow.pr_partition.rbf file and click Start. On the board, observe LED[0] and LED[1] continuing to blink. When the progress bar reaches 100%, LED[2] and LED[3] blink slower.
- To reprogram the PR region, right-click the .rbf file in the Programmer and click Change PR Programing File.
- Select the .rbf files for the other two personas to observe the behavior on the board. Loading the blinking_led_default.rbf file causes the LEDs to blink at a specific frequency, and loading the blinking_led_empty.rbf file causes the LEDs to stay ON.
Figure 11. Programming the Intel® Agilex® F-Series FPGA Development Board