AN 973: Three-phase Boost Bidirectional AC/DC Converter for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging

ID 733436
Date 6/23/2022

3.3. HDL Inputs, Outputs, and Parameters

The following tables list the inputs, outputs, and PI controller block parameters on the HDL coder block:

Table 2.  Inputs for HDL Coder Block
Input Signal Name Type Description
clk Clock Input clock for the HDL coder block. Generated by PLL 20 MHz.
reset Reset Active low reset
clk_enable Enable Active high reset
Table 3.  Outputs for HDL Coder Block
Output Signal Name Data Type Description




Fix32_En16 The voltage across inductors for debugging when compared to the input voltage.
V_R, V_Y, V_B Fix32_En16 Three-phase input voltage from the voltage generator block.
I_R, I_Y, I_B Fix32_En16 Measured current in each inductor model block.
I_LOW, I_HIGH Fix32_En16 Sum of the low and high-side switch currents, respectively
VDC_P, VDC_N Fix32_En16 Voltage relative to ground of the DC output +/- ports.
I_C Fix32_En16 Current measured in the output capacitor.
I_LOAD Fix32_En16 Current measured in the output load.
V_RYB_SUM Fix32_En16 Sum of the input AC voltages.
PWM_SUM Fix32_En16 Sum of the three PWM-generated signals by the controllers.
PWM_R, PWM_Y, PWM_B Fix32_En16 Controller-generated PWM signals for power transistor switching.
Table 4.  PI Controller Block Parameters
PI Controller Block Parameters Value
Voltage Loop Pgain 0.075
Voltage Loop Igain 22 * Ts
Dcurrent Loop Pgain 11
Dcurrent Loop Igain 500 * Ts
Qcurrent Loop Pgain 12.5
Qcurrent Loop Pgain 500 * Ts