AN 973: Three-phase Boost Bidirectional AC/DC Converter for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging

ID 733436
Date 6/23/2022

2.3. Downloading and Installing the Design

Perform the following steps to download and install the Three-phase Boost Bidirectional AC/DC Converter for EV Charging design example:

Note: The Three-phase Boost Bidirectional AC/DC Converter for EV Charging design example includes a precompiled .sof in the master_image directory.
  1. Download the relevant design .par file for your development kit and power board from the Intel FPGA Design Store.

    The file you downloaded is in the form of a <project>.par file, which contains a compressed version of the design example (similar to a .qar file) and metadata describing the project. The combination of this information is what constitutes a <project>.par file.

  2. In the Intel® Quartus® Prime software, click File > New Project Wizard. The New Project Wizard dialog box launches with the Introduction screen.
  3. Click Next. The Directory, Name, Top-Level Entity screen displays.
  4. Enter the path for your project working directory.
  5. Specify a project name.
  6. Click Next. The Project Type screen displays.
  7. Select Project template.
  8. Click Next. The Design Templates screen displays.
  9. Click the Install the design templates link. The Design Template Installation dialog box appears.
  10. In the Design template file (.par) field, browse to select the .par file of the design example and browse to the destination directory (optional) where you want to install it.
  11. Click OK. The design template installation success message appears.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Select the Three-phase Boost Bidirectional AC/DC Converter for EV Charging design example.
  14. Click Next. The Summary screen appears.
  15. Click Finish. The Intel® Quartus® Prime software expands the archive and sets up the project, which may take some time.
  16. Click Processing > Start Compilation.
  17. Connect the relevant USB cable from the USB connector on the development board to your computer.
    • J12 for Intel® MAX® 10 FPGA Development Kit
    • J37 for Cyclone® V SoC Development Kit
  18. Supply power to the development board.
  19. After compilation ends, click Tools > Programmer to program your Intel® MAX® 10 Development Kit or Cyclone® V SoC Development Kit. Use the Auto Detect feature if necessary.
  20. Select the master_image/bidir_rectifier_fixed_quartus.sof file or your newly generated output_files/bidir_rectifier_fixed_quartus.sof file.
    Note: The Programming the Board figure shows the programmer for Cyclone® V SoC Development Kit FPGA (5CSXFC6D6F31).
  21. Select the Program/Configure check box in the table.
  22. Click Start. The Progress bar displays in green a 100% (Successful) legend.
    Figure 4. Programming the Board
  23. Return to the Intel® Quartus® Prime software and click Tools > Signal Tap logic analyzer.
  24. In the Signal Tap logic analyzer window, in the top right corner, click Setup to select USB-BlasterII as shown in Hardware Setup.
  25. Select the appropriate FPGA device.
    • Intel® MAX® 10 Development Kit: Select @1: 10M50DA(.ES)/10M50DC (0x031050DD)
    • Cyclone® V SoC Development Kit: Select @2: 5CSEBA6(.ES)/5CSEMA6/..(0x02D020DD.
    Figure 5. Hardware Setup
  26. In the Signal Tap logic analyzer window, select the Data tab and click . The following image shows the waveform:
    Figure 6.  Signal Tap Logic Analyzer Waveform
  27. Navigate to the matlab/Simulink directory and double-click the run_stp_control.bat file to adjust the sampling resolution.
  28. In the EV Charger dialog box, set the values of VDC Offset (V) to -800 and Signaltap Sample period (clks) to 8191 as shown in the following image:
    Figure 7. Changing VDC Offset and Signaltap Sample Period
  29. Return to the Signal Tap logic analyzer window and click . The view updates as shown in the following images:
    Figure 8. Scaled Output Waveform in the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer
    The following are waveform components' details:
    • In the model, the output DC Voltage (VDC) is regulated to 800V. Setting the VDC Offset to -800 V allows the maximum range to be easily visible in the Signal Tap logic analyzer.
    • The SignalTap Sample Period sets the period of a counter, which enables waveforms sampling. A value of n results in samples every n-1 clock cycles. So, a value of 0 samples every clock cycle results in no aliasing with a very short visible period. The value of 8191 is shown in step 28 samples every 8192 cycles, so the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signals are highly aliased, but a long time frame becomes visible.
    You can run the GUI script from the Intel® Quartus® Prime software TCL console with the following command:
    exec quartus_stp -t ../../stp_control.tcl &
    Note: The ../../ path depends on the current directory of the Intel® Quartus® Prime software.