F-Tile JESD204B Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 723907
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

4.2.2. RX PHY Layer

The word aligner block identifies the MSB and LSB boundaries of the 10-bit character from the serial bit stream. Manual alignment is set because the /K/ character must be detected in either LSB first or MSB first mode. When the programmed word alignment pattern is detected in the current word boundary, the PCS indicates a valid pattern in the rx_sync_status (mapped as pcs_valid to the IP core). The code synchronization state is detected after the detection of the /K/ character boundary for all lanes.

In a normal operation, whenever synchronization is lost, the F-Tile JESD204B RX IP core always return back to the CS_INIT state where the word alignment is initiated. For debug purposes, you can bypass this alignment by setting the csr_patternalign_en register to 0.

The 8B/10B decoder decode the data after receiving the data through the serial line. The F-Tile JESD204B IP core supports transmission order from MSB first as well as LSB first.

The PHY layer can detect 8B/10B not-in-table (NIT) error and also running disparity error.