F-Tile JESD204B Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 723907
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

3.8. F-Tile JESD204B Intel® FPGA IP Parameters

Table 10.   F-Tile JESD204B Intel® FPGA IP Parameters
Parameter Value Description
Main Tab
Device Family
  • Agilex™ 7
  • Agilex™ 9
The targeted device family.
JESD204B Wrapper
  • Both Base and PHY

F-Tile JESD204B supports only both base and PHY wrapper.

Both Base and PHY—generates both DLL and transceiver PHY layers.

Data Path
  • Receiver
  • Transmitter
  • Duplex

Select the operation modes. This selection enables or disables the receiver and transmitter supporting logic.

  • RX—instantiates the receiver to interface to the ADC.
  • TX—instantiates the transmitter to interface to the DAC.
  • Duplex—instantiates the receiver and transmitter to interface to both the ADC and DAC.
JESD204B Subclass
  • 0
  • 1
  • 2

Select the F-Tile JESD204B subclass modes.

  • 0—Set subclass 0
  • 1—Set subclass 1
  • 2—Set subclass 2
Data Rate


Set the data rate for each lane.

  • Intel Agilex® 7 (F-tile)—2.0 Gbps to 20 Gbps
Note: The maximum data rate is limited due to different device speed grades, transceiver PMA speed grades, and PCS options. Refer to Performance and Resource Utilization for the maximum data rate support.
Transceiver Type
  • F-Tile-FGT
This shows the transceiver type supported. Only FGT transceivers on the F-tile are supported
PCS Option
  • Enabled Soft PCS

Supports Soft PCS mode only.

  • Enabled Soft PCS—use Soft PCS components for 8b10b encoder/decoder and word aligner.
Bonding Mode
  • Bonded
  • Non-bonded

Select the bonding modes.

  • Bonded—select this option to minimize inter-lanes skew for the transmitter datapath.
  • Non-bonded—select this option to disable inter-lanes skew control for the transmitter datapath.
PLL/CDR Reference Clock Frequency


Set the transceiver reference clock frequency for PLL or CDR.
System PLL frequency


Set the system PLL frequency.

Enable Bit reversal and Byte reversal

On, Off

The F-Tile JESD204B IP uses four 10-bit symbols (denoted as symbol3, symbol2, symbol1, and symbol0) for the 8B/10B encoding scheme. Symbol0 is the first symbol to be shifted out through the serial link while symbol3 is the last symbol to be shifted out.

  • Turn on this option to set the data transmission order to start from the least significant bit (lsb) of each symbol. For example, symbol0[0] is shifted out first, followed by symbol0[1], and so on until the entire symbol0 is shifted out. The transmission continues with symbol1[0] through symbol3[9].
  • Turn off this option to set the data transmission order to start from the most significant bit (msb) of each symbol. For example, symbol0[9] is shifted out first, followed by symbol0[8], and so on until the entire symbol0 is shifted out. The transmission continues with symbol1[9] through symbol3[0].
Enable PMA Avalon memory-mapped interface On, Off Turn on this option for Avalon memory-mapped interface in order to access transceiver PMA registers.
Enable debug endpoint for PMA Avalon memory-mapped interface On, Off Turn this option on to include an embedded Native PHY Debug Master Endpoint in your JESD204B IP. The Native PHY Debug Master Endpoint can access the reconfiguration space of the transceiver. It can perform certain test and debug functions via JTAG using the System Console. This option may require that a jtag_debug link be included in the system.
JESD204B Configurations Tab

Lanes per converter device (L)


Set the number of lanes per converter device.

Note: Refer to Performance and Resource Utilization for the common supported range for L and the resource utilization.

Converters per device (M)


Set the number of converters per converter device.

Enable manual F configuration On, Off

Turn on this option to set parameter F in manual mode and enable this parameter to be configurable. Otherwise, the parameter F is in derived mode.

You have to enable this parameter and configure the appropriate F value if the transport layer in your design is supporting Control Word (CF) or High Density format(HD), or both.

Note: The auto derived F value using formula F=M*S*N\'/(8*L) may not apply if parameter CF or parameter HD, or both are enabled.

Octets per frame (F)


The number of octets per frame is derived from F= M*N'*S/(8*L).

Converter resolution (N)


Set the number of conversion bits per converter.

Transmitted bits per sample (N')


Set the number of transmitted bits per sample (JESD204 word size, which is in nibble group).

Note: If parameter CF equals to 0 (no control word), parameter N' must be larger than or equal to sum of parameter N and parameter CS (N' ≥ N + CS). Otherwise, parameter N' must be larger than or equal to parameter N (N'≥N).

Samples per converter per frame (S)


Set the number of transmitted samples per converter per frame.

Frames per multiframe (K)

Set the number of frames per multiframe. This value is dependent on the value of F and is derived using the following constraints:
  • The value of K must fall within the range of 17/F <= K <= min(32, floor (1024/F))
  • The value of F*K must be divisible by 4

Enable scramble (SCR)

On, Off

Turn on this option to scramble the transmitted data or descramble the receiving data.

Control Bits (CS)


Set the number of control bits per conversion sample.

Control Words (CF)


Set the number of control words per frame clock period per link.

High density user data format (HD)

On, Off

Turn on this option to set the data format. This parameter controls whether a sample may be divided over more lanes.

  • On: High Density format
  • Off: Data should not cross the lane boundary

Enable Error Code Correction (ECC_EN)

On, Off

Turn on this option to enable error code correction (ECC) for memory blocks.

Enable fabric to tile TX data pipestage (TX_EFIFO_PIPE_EN)

On, Off

Only available for Transmitter or Duplex datapath.

Turn on this option to add a pipestage between last data flop in the fabric and the tile to improve timing performance for system clocking the F-Tile Transceiver.

Enable fabric to tile RX data pipestage (RX_EFIFO_PIPE_EN)

On, Off

Only available for Receiver or Duplex datapath.

Turn on this option to add a pipestage between last data flop in the fabric and the tile to improve timing performance for system clocking the F-Tile Transceiver.

Phase adjustment request (PHADJ)

On, Off

Turn on this option to specify the phase adjustment request to the DAC.

  • On: Request for phase adjustment
  • Off: No phase adjustment

This parameter is valid for Subclass 2 mode only.

Adjustment resolution step count (ADJCNT) 0–15

Set the adjustment resolution for the DAC LMFC.

This parameter is valid for Subclass 2 mode only.

Direction of adjustment (ADJDIR)
  • Advance
  • Delay

Select to adjust the DAC LMFC direction.

This parameter is valid for Subclass 2 mode only.

Configurations and Status Registers Tab

Device ID


Set the device ID number.

Bank ID


Set the device bank ID number.

Lane# ID


Set the lane ID number.

Lane# checksum


Set the checksum for each lane ID.