F-Tile JESD204B Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 723907
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

2.5. F-Tile JESD204B IP Configuration

Table 4.   F-Tile JESD204B IP Configuration
Symbol Description Value
L Number of lanes per converter device 1–8
M Number of converters per device 1–256
F Number of octets per frame 1–256
S Number of transmitted samples per converter per frame 1–32
N Number of conversion bits per converter 1–32
N' Number of transmitted bits per sample (JESD204 word size, which is in nibble group) 4–32
K Number of frames per multiframe


17/F ≤ K ≤min (32, floor (1024/F)) K is an integer

FxK must be divisible by 4

FxK must be less than 1024 octets

CS Number of control bits per conversion sample 0–3
CF Number of control words per frame clock period per link 0–32

0—Data should not cross lane boundary

1—High Density user data format

0 or 1
SCR Scrambling enable/disable

