F-Tile JESD204B Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 723907
Date 1/24/2025
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4.4.3. Local MultiFrame Clock

The Local MultiFrame Clock (LMFC) is a counter generated from the link clock and depends on the F and K parameter.

The K parameter must be set between 1 to 32 and meet the requirement of at least a minimum of 17 octets and a maximum of 1024 octets in a single multiframe. In a 32-bit architecture, the K × F must also be in the order of four.

In a Subclass 1 deterministic latency system, the SYSREF frequency is distributed to the devices to align them in the system. The SYSREF resets the internal LMFC clock edge when the sampled SYSREF signal's rising edge transition from 0 to 1. Due to source synchronous signaling of SYSREF with respect to the device clock sampling (provided from the clock chip), the F-Tile JESD204B IP core does not directly use the device clock to sample SYSREF but instead uses the link clock to sample SYSREF. Therefore, the Intel® FPGA PLL IP core that provides the link clock must to be in normal mode to phase-compensate the link clock to the device clock.

Based on hardware testing, to get a fixed latency, at least 32 octets are recommended in an LMFC period so that there is a margin to tune the RBD release opportunity to compensate any lane-to-lane deskew across multiple resets. If F = 1, then K = 32 is optimal as it provides enough margin for system latency variation. If F = 2, then K = 16 and above (18/20/22/24/26/28/30/32) is sufficient to compensate lane-to-lane deskew.

The F-Tile JESD204B IP core implements the local multiframe clock as a counter that increments in link clock counts. The local multiframe clock counter is equal to (F × K/4) in link clock as units. The rising edge of SYSREF resets the local multiframe clock counter to 0. There are two CSR bits that controls SYSREF sampling.

  • csr_sysref_singledet—resets the local multiframe clock counter once and automatically cleared after SYSREF is sampled. This register also prevents CGS exit to bypass SYSREF sampling.
  • csr_sysref_alwayson—resets the local multiframe clock counter at every rising edge of SYSREF that it detects. This register also enables the SYSREF period checker. If the provided SYSREF period violates the F and K parameter, an interrupt is triggered. However, this register does not prevent CGS-SYSREF race condition.

The following conditions occur if both CSR bits are set:

  • resets the local multiframe clock counter at every rising edge of SYSREF.
  • prevents CGS-SYSREF race condition.
  • checks SYSREF period.