F-Tile JESD204B Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 723907
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

2.4. IP Variation

The F-Tile JESD204B IP has only one core variation:
  • JESD204B MAC and PHY

In a subsystem where there are multiple ADC and DAC converters, you need to use the Quartus® Prime software to merge the transceivers and group them into the transceiver architecture. For example, to create two instances of the F-Tile JESD204B TX IP with four lanes each and four instances of the F-Tile JESD204B RX IP with two lanes each, you can apply the following option:

  • MAC and PHY option
    1. Generate F-Tile JESD204B TX IP with four lanes and F-Tile JESD204B RX IP with two lanes.
    2. Instantiate the desired components.
    3. Use the Quartus® Prime software to merge the PHY lanes.
Note: If the data rate for TX and RX is different, duplex mode is not allowed. In this case, you have to generate a RX-only on the RX data rate and a TX-only on the TX data rate.