F-Tile Dynamic Reconfiguration Suite Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 711009
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.33. Dynamic Reconfiguration Local Error Status

Table 59.   dyn_rcfg_local_error_stat_ctrl_reg
Offset 0x200
Addressing Mode 32-bits
Description Dynamic Reconfiguration Local Bus Status Register
Table 60.   dyn_rcfg_local_error_stat_ctrl_reg Field Description
Bit Type Reset Description
31:24 RO 0 Reserved
23:16 RO 0 Firmware Error State

Displays the DR NIOS firmware unexpected termination and flagged out error message. DR NIOS returns to its initial state to trigger a new request. The NIOS firmware reports one of the following errors and returns to a known state in which it waits for a new trigger request from the Host and acts accordingly.

Selected Error state flags are described below:
  • ERROR_CODE_2 = 8'h02: DR User Provided ID(User_provided_id) is invalid in Load Sequence. This error occurs if you have entered a "Next Profile 0" value which doesn not exist in the MIF file. To recover from this error, you must ensure that the proper User_Provided_ID is used in the "Next Profile 0" register bits and then re-attempt the reconfiguration operation.
  • ERROR_CODE_5 = 8’h05: DR SRC TX Reset isn't asserted successfully
  • ERROR_CODE_6 = 8’h06: DR SRC RX Reset isn't asserted successfully
  • ERROR_CODE_9 = 8’h09: DR User Provided ID (user_provided_id) is invalid in load profile. This error occurs if you have entered a "Next Profile" value which doesn't exist in the MIF file. To recover from this error, you must ensure that the proper User_Provided_ID is used in the "Next Profile" register bits and then re-attempt the reconfiguration operation.
  • ERROR_CODE_23 = 8'h17: The Reset Controller for channels to be dynamically reconfigured is not fully in reset state. To recover from this error, you must ensure that the channels to be dynamically reconfigured are fully in reset and then re-attempt the reconfiguration operation.
  • ERROR_CODE_24 = 8'h18: The supreme_parent_group_id is not valid for restore procedure. To recover from this error, the device must be re-programmed.
  • ERROR_CODE_28 = 8'h1C: Timeout reached while waiting for FHT TX PLL Ready to assert.
  • ERROR_CODE_29 = 8’h1D: DR NIOS startup profile recovery feature is disabled. To recover from this error, the device must be re-programmed.

Other ERROR_CODE values are reserved.

When any of these errors occur during dynamic reconfiguration, the o_dr_error_status output port is set to 1.

15:8 RO 0 AVMM (GAVMM/MAIB) Timeout: Displays the AVMM timeout due to HIP and MAIB not responding. These sticky bits are automatically cleared when a new trigger request is made.

[8] Displays the Global AVMM timeout event.

[9] Displays the AIB AVMM1 timeout event.

[15:10] Reserved

When any of these errors occur during dynamic reconfiguration, the o_dr_error_status output port is set to 1.

7:5 RO 0 Reserved
4:0 RW 5'h1 Reserved. Do not modify this field.