OPAE Intel FPGA Linux Device Driver Architecture Guide

ID 683857
Date 10/02/2017
Document Table of Contents FME Platform Module Device Driver

  • Power and thermal management, error reporting, performance reporting, and other infrastructure functions. You can access these functions via sysfs interfaces exposed by the FME driver.
  • Partial Reconfiguration. The FME driver registers an FPGA Manager during PR sub-feature initialization; once it receives an FPGA_FME_PORT_PR ioctl from you, it invokes the common interface function from FPGA Manager to complete the partial reconfiguration of the bitstream to the given Port.
  • Port management for virtualization. The FME driver introduces two ioctls, FPGA_FME_PORT_RELEASE, which releases given Port from PF; and FPGA_FME_PORT_ASSIGN, which assigns Port back to PF. Once the Port is released from the PF, it can be assigned to the VF through the SR-IOV interfaces provided by PCIe driver. For more information, refer to “FPGA Virtualization”.