Visible to Intel only — GUID: mtr1422491963745
1. Introduction to Intel® FPGA Design Flow for AMD* Xilinx* Users
2. Technology Comparison
3. FPGA Tools Comparison
4. AMD* Xilinx* to Intel® FPGA Design Conversion
5. Conclusion
6. AN 307: Intel® FPGA Design Flow for AMD* Xilinx* Users Archives
7. Document Revision History for Intel® FPGA Design Flow for AMD* Xilinx* Users
3.3.1. Project Creation
3.3.2. Design Entry
3.3.3. IP Status
3.3.4. Design Constraints
3.3.5. Synthesis
3.3.6. Design Implementation
3.3.7. Finalize Pinout
3.3.8. Viewing and Editing Design Placement
3.3.9. Static Timing Analysis
3.3.10. Generation of Device Programming Files
3.3.11. Power Analysis
3.3.12. Simulation
3.3.13. Hardware Verification
3.3.14. View Netlist
3.3.15. Design Optimization
3.3.16. Techniques to Improve Productivity
3.3.17. Partial Reconfiguration
3.3.18. Cross-Probing in the Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition Software Memory Mode Clocking Mode Write and Read Operation Triggering Read-During-Write Operation at the Same Address Error Correction Code (ECC) Byte Enable Address Clock Enable Parity Bit Support Memory Initialization Output Synchronous Set/Reset
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mtr1422491963745
Ixiasoft Physical Synthesis Optimization
The Vivado* software applies timing-driven Physical Optimization in the post-place and reroute designs. The Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software performs Physical synthesis optimizations to improve performance by performing combinational and sequential optimizations and register duplication. The optimizations are on by default.
Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software also has high-level optimization settings for the Compiler that control the settings used throughout design compilation. By default, the high-level optimization is set to balanced, but designs can be optimized for performance, area, routability, and power. You can find these settings on the Optimization tab under Settings > Compiler Settings.