Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683552
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents Using the Trigger Out of One Analyzer as the Trigger In of Another Analyzer

An advanced feature of the Signal Tap Logic Analyzer is the ability to use the Trigger out of one analyzer as the Trigger in to another analyzer. This feature allows you to synchronize and debug events that occur across multiple clock domains.

To perform this operation, first turn on Trigger out for the source logic analyzer instance. On the Instance list of the Trigger out trigger, select the targeted logic analyzer instance. For example, if the instance named auto_signaltap_0 should trigger auto_signaltap_1, select auto_signaltap_1|trigger_in .

Turning on Trigger out automatically enables the Trigger in of the targeted logic analyzer instance and fills in the Instance field of the Trigger in trigger with the Trigger out signal from the source logic analyzer instance. In this example, auto_signaltap_0 is targeting auto_signaltap_1. The Trigger In Instance field of auto_signaltap_1 is automatically filled in with auto_signaltap_0|trigger_out.