Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683552
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents Using the Incremental Route Flow

To use the Incremental Route flow:
  1. Open your design and run Analysis & Elaboration (or a full compilation) to give node visibility in Signal Tap.
  2. Add Signal Tap to your design.
  3. In the Signal Tap Signal Configuration pane, specify Manual in the Nodes Allocated field for Trigger and Data nodes (and Storage Qualifier, if used).
    Figure 81. Manually Allocate Nodes

    Manual node allocation allows you to control the number of nodes compiled into the design, which is critical for the Incremental Route flow.

    When you select Auto allocation, the number of nodes compiled into the design matches the number of nodes in the Setup tab. If you add a node later, you create a mismatch between the amount of nodes the device requires and the amount of compiled nodes, and you must perform a full compilation.

  4. Specify the number of nodes that you estimate necessary for the debugging process. You can increase the number of nodes later, but this requires more compilation time.
  5. Add the nodes that you want to tap.
  6. If you have not fully compiled your project, run a full compilation. Otherwise, start incremental compile using Rapid Recompile.
  7. Debug and determine additional signals of interest.
  8. (Optional) Select Allow incremental route changes only lock-mode.
    Figure 82. Incremental Route Lock-Mode
  9. Add additional nodes in the Signal Tap Setup tab.
    • Do not exceed the number of manually allocated nodes you specified.
    • Avoid making changes to non-runtime configurable settings.
  10. Click the Rapid Recompile icon from the toolbar. Alternatively, click Processing > Start Rapid Recompile.
    Note: The previous steps set up your design for Incremental Route, but the actual Incremental Route process begins when you perform a Rapid Recompile.