Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683552
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

2.10.3. Tuning the Signal Generator

The Scope panel allows you to tune the signal generator in order to achieve the best possible performance from the ADC.
Figure 14. Scope Mode Panel

To tune the signal generator:

  1. On ADC Channel, select the ADC channel that you plan to test.
  2. Enter the reference Sample Frequency (unless the tool can extract this value from the IP).
  3. Enter the Ref Voltage (unless the tool can extract this value from the IP).
  4. Click Run.
    The tool repeatedly captures a buffer worth of data and displays the data as a waveform, besides additional information under Signal Information.
  5. Tune the signal generator to use the maximum dynamic range of the ADC without clipping.
    Note: Avoid hitting 0 or 4095 because of signal clipping.
  6. Ensure that the sine wave under Oscilloscope shows evenly balanced top and bottom peaks. This indicates optimum value.
    • For Intel® MAX® 10 devices, you want to get as close to Min Code = 0 and Max Code = 4095 without actually hitting those values.
    • To observe coherent sampling in the test window, you must set the frequency precisely to the value needed for testing, Before moving forward, follow the suggested value for signal quality testing or linearity testing that appears next to the detected frequency.
  7. From the Raw Data tab, export the data as a .csv file.