Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683552
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents

7.2.1. Instance Manager

You can read and write to in-system memory with the Instance Manager pane. When you scan the JTAG chain to update the Instance Manager pane, you can view a list of all run-time modifiable memories and constants in the design. The Instance Manager pane displays the Index, Instance, Status, Width, Depth, Type, and Mode of each element in the list.
Note: In addition to the buttons available in the Instance Manager pane, you can read and write data by selecting commands from the Processing menu, or the right-click menu in the Instance Manager pane or Hex Editor pane.

The status of each instance is also displayed beside each entry in the Instance Manager pane. The status indicates if the instance is Not running, Offloading data, or Updating data. The health monitor provides information about the status of the editor.

The Intel® Quartus® Prime software assigns a different index number to each in-system memory and constant to distinguish between multiple instances of the same memory or constant function. View the In-System Memory Content Editor Settings section of the Compilation Report to match an index number with the corresponding instance ID.