Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition User Guide: Debug Tools

ID 683552
Date 9/24/2018
Document Table of Contents Incremental Compilation

All three tools allow you to find and configure your debugging setup quickly. In addition, the Intel® Quartus® Prime incremental compilation feature and the Intel® Quartus® Prime incremental routing feature allow for a fast turnaround time for your programming file, increasing productivity and enabling fast debugging closure.

Both the LAI and Signal Tap Logic Analyzer support incremental compilation. With incremental compilation, you can add a Signal Tap Logic Analyzer instance or an LAI instance incrementally into your placed-and-routed design. This has the benefit of both preserving your timing and area optimizations from your existing design, and decreasing the overall compilation time when any changes are necessary during the debugging process. With incremental compilation, you can save up to 70% compile time of a full compilation.