Visible to Intel only — GUID: aet1634249574066
If the BAS support is enabled on hardware, enable the following flag in: user/common/include/ifc_libmqdma.h
#define PCIe_SLOT 0 /* 0 – x16, 1 – x8 */
- To verify the write operation:
./cli/perfq_app/ perfq_app -b\ 0000:01:00.0 -s 512 -e -t
Figure 47. BAS Write Operation - To verify the read operation:
./cli/perfq_app/perfq_app -b\ 0000:01:00.0 -s 512 -e -r
Figure 48. BAS Read Operation - To verify the write and read operation:
./cli/perfq_app/perfq_app -b\ 0000:01:00.0 -s 512 -e -z
Figure 49. BAS Write and Read OperationPerformance test:
The below log is collected on Gen3x16 H-tile./cli/perfq_app/perfq_app -b\ 0000:01:00.0 -s 1048576 –bas-perf
Figure 50. Performance Test