Low Latency E-Tile 40G Ethernet Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683486
Date 7/12/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.1. TX MAC Interface to User Logic

The TX MAC provides an Avalon® streaming interface to the FPGA fabric. The datapath comprises 2, 64-bit words. The minimum packet size is nine bytes.
Table 13.   Avalon® Streaming TX MAC Interface SignalsAll interface signals are clocked by the clk_txmac clock. The value you specify for Ready latency in the Low Latency E-Tile 40G Ethernet parameter editor is the Avalon® streaming interface readyLatency value on this interface.




clk_txmac Output

The TX clock for the IP core is clk_txmac. The frequency of this clock is 312.5  MHz.

If you turn on Use external TX MAC PLL in the Low Latency E-Tile 40G Ethernet parameter editor, the clk_txmac_in input clock drives clk_txmac.

l2_tx_data[127:0] Input

Data input to MAC. Bit 127 is the MSB and bit 0 is the LSB. Bytes are read in the usual left to right order.

l2_tx_preamble[63:0] Input

User preamble data. Available when you turn on Enable preamble passthrough in the Low Latency E-Tile 40G Ethernet parameter editor.

User logic drives the custom preamble data when l2_tx_startofpacket is asserted.
l2_tx_valid Input When asserted, indicates valid data.
l2_tx_startofpacket Input When asserted, indicates the first byte of a frame. When l2_tx_startofpacket is asserted, the MSB of l2_tx_data drives the start of packet. Packets that drive l2_tx_startofpacket and l2_tx_endofpacket in the same cycle are ignored.
l2_tx_endofpacket Input When asserted, indicates the end of a packet. Packets that drive l2_tx_startofpacket and l2_tx_endofpacket in the same cycle are ignored.
l2_tx_empty[3:0] Input Specifies the number of empty bytes when l2_tx_endofpacket is asserted.
l2_tx_ready Output When asserted, indicates that the MAC can accept the data. The IP core asserts the l2_tx_ready signal on clock cycle <n> to indicate that clock cycle <n + readyLatency> is a ready cycle. The client may only assert l2_tx_valid and transfer data during ready cycles.
l2_tx_error Input When asserted in an EOP cycle (while l2_tx_endofpacket is asserted), directs the IP core to insert an error in the packet before sending it on the Ethernet link.
Note: This functionality is not available in the Quartus Prime Pro 17.1 Stratix 10 ES Editions software.
l2_txstatus_valid Output When asserted, indicates that l2_txstatus_data and l2_txstatus_error[6:0] are driving valid data.
l2_txstatus_data[39:0] Output

Specifies information about the transmit frame. The following fields are defined:

  • [Bit 39]: When asserted, indicates a PFC frame
  • [Bit 38]: When asserted, indicates a unicast frame
  • Bit[37]: When asserted, indicates a multicast frame
  • Bit[36]: When asserted, indicates a broadcast frame
  • Bit[35]: When asserted, indicates a pause frame
  • Bit[34]: When asserted, indicates a control frame
  • Bit[33]: When asserted, indicates a VLAN frame
  • Bit[32]: When asserted, indicates a stacked VLAN frame
  • Bits[31:16]: Specifies the frame length from the first byte of the destination address to the last bye of the FCS
  • Bits[15:0]: Specifies the payload length
l2_txstatus_error[6:0] Output

Specifies the error type in the transmit frame. The following fields are defined:

  • Bits[6:3]: Reserved
  • Bit[2]: Payload length error
  • Bit[1]: Oversized frame
  • Bit[0]: Reserved.
Figure 12.  Client to MAC Avalon® streaming interface l2_tx_data reception order is highest byte to lowest byte. The first byte of the destination address is on l2_tx_data[127:120] , 0xabe4233 . . . in this timing diagram. The ready latency is 0 in this example.