Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator User Guide

ID 683445
Date 6/26/2023

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3.4.3. Bulk Editing Hierarchies in the Intel FPGA PTC

The Bulk Edit button in the Hierarchy Manager allows you to modify parameters of a specific hierarchical level and below if selected. All pages of the Intel® FPGA Power and Thermal Calculator reflect these changes.

Follow these steps to perform bulk edits:

  1. Select the desired hierarchy level in the Hierarchy Manager.
  2. Click Bulk Edit to view the Bulk Edit dialog.
  3. Select Apply to all child instances checkbox if you want to apply changes to the currently selected hierarchical level and its children below.
  4. Select the desired entries under the Page & Field column that you want to modify.
  5. Double-click the corresponding field in the Setting column and enter the desired value.
  6. Click Apply to apply the changes.
Figure 8. Bulk Editing in the Hierarchy Manager
Note: When you click Bulk Edit and check Apply to all child instances, the drop-down fields show values that apply to both parent and child rows commonly. This means that values that apply only to the parent level or child-levels stay hidden. Consider the following examples: