RapidIO II Intel® FPGA IP User Guide

ID 683444
Date 9/28/2020
Document Table of Contents

5.2.1. Status Packet and Error Monitoring Signals

Table 56.  Status Packet and Error Monitoring SignalsAll of these signals are output signals synchronized with the sys_clk clock.
Output Signals Description
packet_transmitted Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a packet’s transmission completes normally.
packet_cancelled Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a packet’s transmission is cancelled by sending a stomp, a restart-from-retry, or a link-request control symbol.
packet_accepted_cs_ sent Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a packet-accepted control symbol has been transmitted.
packet_accepted_cs_ received Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a packet-accepted control symbol has been received.
packet_retry_cs_ sent Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a packet-retry control symbol has been transmitted.
packet_retry_cs_ received Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a packet-retry control symbol has been received.
packet_not_accepted _cs_sent Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a packet-not-accepted control symbol has been transmitted.
packet_not_accepted _cs_received Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a packet-not-accepted control symbol has been received.
packet_crc_error Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a CRC error is detected in a received packet.
control_symbol_error Pulsed high for one clock cycle when a corrupted control symbol is received.
port_initialized Indicates that the RapidIO initialization sequence has completed successfully.

This is a level signal asserted high while the initialization state machine is in the 1X_MODE, 2X_MODE, or 4X_MODE state, as described in paragraph 4.12 of the RapidIO Interconnect Specification v2.2 Part 6: LP-Serial Physical Layer Specification.

This signal holds the inverse of the value of the PORT_UNINIT field of the Port 0 Error and Status CSR (offset 0x158)
port_error This signal holds the value of the PORT_ERR bit of the Port 0 Error and Status CSR (offset 0x158)
link_initialized Indicates that the RapidIO port successfully completed link initialization.
port_ok This signal holds the value of the PORT_OK bit of the Port 0 Error and Status CSR (offset 0x158)
four_lanes_aligned Indicates that all four lanes of the 4× RapidIO port are in sync and aligned. This signal is present only in variations that support four lanes.
two_lanes_aligned Indicates that the both lanes of the 2× RapidIO port are in sync and aligned. This signal is present only in variations that support two lanes.