Qsys System Design Tutorial

ID 683378
Date 5/04/2015
Document Table of Contents Add the PRBS Pattern Checker

The PRBS pattern checker performs the opposite operation of the PRBS pattern generator. The processor uses the memory-mapped csr slave interface to control the component. The st_pattern_input streaming input accepts data from the one-to-two streaming demultiplexer.
  1. In the IP Catalog, expand Memory Test Microcores, and then double-click PRBS Pattern Checker.
  2. In the parameter editor, accept the default parameters, and then click Finish.
  3. Rename the instance to prbs_pattern_checker.
  4. Set the prbs_pattern_checker clock to clk_0.
  5. Connect the prbs_pattern_checker csr interface to the mm_bridge m0 interface.
  6. Assign the prbs_pattern_checker csr interface to a base address of 0x0440.