Qsys System Design Tutorial

ID 683378
Date 5/04/2015
Document Table of Contents Add a Custom Pattern Generator

The pattern generator generates multiple test patterns to test the off-chip SDRAM device. The custom pattern generator system provides a stream of pattern data via an Avalon-ST source interface.

The component is programmed with the pattern data and a pattern length. When the end of the pattern is reached, the custom pattern generator cycles back to the first element of the pattern. This custom pattern generator generates the following standard memory tester patterns:

  • Walking ones
  • Walking zeros
  • Low frequency
  • Alternating low frequency
  • High frequency
  • Alternating high frequency
  • Synchronous PRBS

The width of the memory dictates the walking ones or zeros pattern lengths. For example, when testing a 32-bit memory, the walking ones or zeros pattern is 32 elements in length before repeating. The high and low frequency patterns contain only two elements before repeating. The synchronous PRBS pattern is the longest pattern containing 256 elements before repeating.

This custom pattern generator contains three interfaces, two of which control the generated pattern, and a third interface which control the behavior of the custom pattern generated. The processor accesses the pattern_access interface, which is write only, to program the elements of the custom pattern that are sent to the pattern writer core, and the csr interface, which is used for the control and status registers. The st_pattern_output is the streaming source interface that sends data to the pattern writer core.

To add the custom pattern generator:

  1. In the IP Catalog, expand Memory Test Microcores, and then double-click Custom Pattern Generator.
  2. In the parameter editor, accept the default parameters, and then click Finish.
  3. Rename the instance to custom_pattern_generator.
  4. Set the custom_pattern_generator clock interface to clk_0.
  5. To connect the custom_pattern_generator csr interface to the mm_bridge m0 interface, in the Connections column, click to fill in the connection dot between the custom_pattern_generator csr interface and the mm_bridge m0 interface.
  6. Connect the custom_pattern_generator pattern_access interface to the mm_bridge m0 interface.
    The processor accesses the system through the m0 interface to communicate with the csr and pattern_access interfaces.
  7. To assign the custom_pattern_generator csr interface to a base address of 0400, in the Base column, double-click the 0x00000000 address, and then enter 400 for the base address, which is in hexadecimal format.
    If the Base column is locked for the custom_pattern_generator csr, right-click and then click Unlock Base Address.

The address space represents memory accessible by the processor. Each address specifies a location in memory that can be addressed and accessed, and each interface must have a unique address range. The address space of each interface is determined by its base address and its memory span, or how much memory is required for that interface.

You can see the default address range of the pattern_access interface in the Base and End columns on the System Contents tab.

You assign a base address for the csr interface that is higher than the end address of the pattern_access interface to avoid conflicting with the address space of the pattern_access interface.