AN 770: Partially Reconfiguring a Design on Intel® Arria® 10 SoC Development Board

ID 683345
Date 11/06/2017

Document Revision History

Table 5.  Document Revision History
Date Version Changes



  • Updated the Reference Design Requirements section with software version
  • Updated the Flat Reference Design without PR Partitioning figure with design block changes
  • Updated the Reference Design Files table with information on the module
  • Updated the Partial Reconfiguration IP Core Integration figure with design block changes
  • Updated the figures - Design Partitions Window and Logic Lock Regions Window to reflect the new GUI
  • Text edits



  • Updated software version in Reference Design Requirements section
  • Added information about enable freeze interface option in Step 4: Adding the Partial Reconfiguration IP Core section
  • Added information on the importance of SDC ordering in Step 4: Adding the Partial Reconfiguration IP Core section
  • Added an overview on base, synthesis, and implementation revisions in Step 6: Creating Revisions section
  • Text edits



  • Updated flow with 16.1 PR specific GUI features:
    • Design Partitions Window updates
    • Logic Lock region updates
    • Revision and Revision Types updates
  • New topic added for modifying an existing persona
  • New topic added for including a persona in the design



Initial release of the document