Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Standard Edition: Programming Guide

ID 683342
Date 4/22/2019
Document Table of Contents

7.4. Specifying the Name of an Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Offline Compiler Output File (-o=<filename>)

To specify the name of a .aoco file or a .aocx file, include the -o=<filename> option in your aoc command.
  • If you implement the multistep compilation flow, specify the names of the output files in the following manner:
    1. To specify the name of the .aoco file that the offline compiler creates during an intermediate compilation step, invoke the aoc -c -o=<your_object_filename>.aoco <your kernel_filename>.cl command.
    2. To specify the name of the .aocx file that the offline compiler creates during the final compilation step, invoke the aoc -o=<your_executable_filename>.aocx <your_object_filename>.aoco command.
  • If you implement the one-step compilation flow, specify the name of the .aocx file by invoking the aoc -o=<your_executable_filename>.aocx <your_kernel_filename>.cl command.