Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Standard Edition: Programming Guide

ID 683342
Date 4/22/2019
Document Table of Contents

3.6. Displaying the Compilation Environment of an OpenCL Binary (env)

To display the Intel® FPGA SDK for OpenCL™ Offline Compiler's input arguments and the environment for a compiled OpenCL design, invoke the env utility command.
At the command prompt, invoke the aocl env <object_file_name> or the aocl env <executable_file_name> command,
where <object_file_name> is the name of the .aoco file of your OpenCL kernel, and the <executable_file_name> is the name of the .aocx file of your kernel.
Output for the example command aocl env vector_add.aocx:
INPUT_ARGS=-march=emulator -v device/ -o bin/vector_add.aocx