Visible to Intel only — GUID: hco1410462320619
1. DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP Quick Reference
2. About This IP
3. Getting Started
4. DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP Hardware Design Examples
5. DisplayPort Source
6. DisplayPort Sink
7. DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP Parameters
8. DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP Simulation Example
9. DisplayPort API Reference
10. DisplayPort Source Register Map and DPCD Locations
11. DisplayPort Sink Register Map and DPCD Locations
12. DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP User Guide Archives
13. Document Revision History for the DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP User Guide
4.1. DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP Hardware Design Examples for Intel® Arria® 10, Intel® Cyclone® 10 GX, and Intel® Stratix® 10 Devices
4.2. HDCP Over DisplayPort Design Example for Intel® Arria® 10 and Intel® Stratix® 10 Devices
4.3. DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP Hardware Design Examples for Arria V, Cyclone V, and Stratix V Devices
6.5.1. Controller Interface
6.5.2. AUX Interface
6.5.3. Debugging Interface
6.5.4. Video Interface
6.5.5. Clocked Video Input Interface
6.5.6. RX Transceiver Interface
6.5.7. Transceiver Reconfiguration Interface
6.5.8. Secondary Stream Interface
6.5.9. Audio Interface
6.5.10. Non-GPU Mode EDID Interface
6.5.11. MSA Interface
9.1. Using the Library
9.2. btc_dprx_syslib API Reference
9.3. btc_dprx_aux_get_request
9.4. btc_dprx_aux_handler
9.5. btc_dprx_aux_post_reply
9.6. btc_dprx_baseaddr
9.7. btc_dprx_dpcd_gpu_access
9.8. btc_dprx_edid_set
9.9. btc_dprx_hpd_get
9.10. btc_dprx_hpd_pulse
9.11. btc_dprx_hpd_set
9.12. btc_dprx_lt_eyeq_init
9.13. btc_dprx_lt_force
9.14. btc_dprx_rtl_ver
9.15. btc_dprx_sw_ver
9.16. btc_dprx_syslib_add_rx
9.17. btc_dprx_syslib_info
9.18. btc_dprx_syslib_init
9.19. btc_dprx_syslib_monitor
9.20. btc_dprx_mst_link_addr_rep_set
9.21. btc_dprx_mst_conn_stat_notify_req
9.22. btc_dprx_mst_conn_stat_notify_rep
9.23. btc_dptx_syslib API Reference
9.24. btc_dptx_aux_i2c_read
9.25. btc_dptx_aux_i2c_write
9.26. btc_dptx_aux_read
9.27. btc_dptx_aux_write
9.28. btc_dptx_baseaddr
9.29. btc_dptx_edid_block_read
9.30. btc_dptx_edid_read
9.31. btc_dptx_fast_link_training
9.32. btc_dptx_hpd_change
9.33. btc_dptx_is_link_up
9.34. btc_dptx_link_bw
9.35. btc_dptx_link_training
9.36. btc_dptx_rtl_ver
9.37. btc_dptx_set_color_space
9.38. btc_dptx_sw_ver
9.39. btc_dptx_syslib_add_tx
9.40. btc_dptx_syslib_init
9.41. btc_dptx_syslib_monitor
9.42. btc_dptx_test_autom
9.43. btc_dptx_video_enable
9.44. btc_dptx_mst_allocate_payload_rep
9.45. btc_dptx_mst_allocate_payload_req
9.46. btc_dptx_mst_clear_payload_table_rep
9.47. btc_dptx_mst_clear_payload_table_req
9.48. btc_dptx_mst_conn_stat_notify_req
9.49. btc_dptx_mst_down_rep_irq
9.50. btc_dptx_mst_enable
9.51. btc_dptx_mst_enum_path_rep
9.52. btc_dptx_mst_enum_path_req
9.53. btc_dptx_mst_get_msg_transact_ver_rep
9.54. btc_dptx_mst_get_msg_transact_ver_req
9.55. btc_dptx_mst_link_address_rep
9.56. btc_dptx_mst_link_address_req
9.57. btc_dptx_mst_remote_dpcd_wr_rep
9.58. btc_dptx_mst_remote_dpcd_wr_req
9.59. btc_dptx_mst_remote_i2c_rd_rep
9.60. btc_dptx_mst_remote_i2c_rd_req
9.61. btc_dptx_mst_set_color_space
9.62. btc_dptx_mst_tavgts_set
9.63. btc_dptx_mst_up_req_irq
9.64. btc_dptx_mst_vcpid_set
9.65. btc_dptx_mst_vcptab_addvc
9.66. btc_dptx_mst_vcptab_clear
9.67. btc_dptx_mst_vcptab_delvc
9.68. btc_dptx_mst_vcptab_update
9.69. btc_dptxll_syslib API Reference
9.70. btc_dptxll_hpd_change
9.71. btc_dptxll_hpd_irq
9.72. btc_dptxll_mst_cmp_ports
9.73. btc_dptxll_mst_edid_read_rep
9.74. btc_dptxll_mst_edid_read_req
9.75. btc_dptxll_mst_get_device_ports
9.76. btc_dptxll_mst_set_csn_callback
9.77. btc_dptxll_mst_topology_discover
9.78. btc_dptxll_stream_allocate_rep
9.79. btc_dptxll_stream_allocate_req
9.80. btc_dptxll_stream_calc_VCP_size
9.81. btc_dptxll_stream_delete_rep
9.82. btc_dptxll_stream_delete_req
9.83. btc_dptxll_stream_get
9.84. btc_dptxll_stream_set_color_space
9.85. btc_dptxll_stream_set_pixel_rate
9.86. btc_dptxll_sw_ver
9.87. btc_dptxll_syslib_add_tx
9.88. btc_dptxll_syslib_init
9.89. btc_dptxll_syslib_monitor
9.90. btc_dpxx_syslib Additional Types
9.91. btc_dprx_syslib Supported DPCD Locations
10.2.1. DPTX0_MSA_MVID
10.2.2. DPTX0_MSA_NVID
10.2.5. DPTX0_MSA_HSP
10.2.6. DPTX0_MSA_HSW
10.2.9. DPTX0_MSA_VSP
10.2.10. DPTX0_MSA_VSW
10.2.13. DPTX0_MSA_MISC0
10.2.14. DPTX0_MSA_MISC1
10.2.15. DPTX0_MSA_COLOR
10.2.16. DPTX0_VBID
10.8.3. DPTX_AUX_BYTE0
10.8.4. DPTX_AUX_BYTE1
10.8.5. DPTX_AUX_BYTE2
10.8.6. DPTX_AUX_BYTE3
10.8.7. DPTX_AUX_BYTE4
10.8.8. DPTX_AUX_BYTE5
10.8.9. DPTX_AUX_BYTE6
10.8.10. DPTX_AUX_BYTE7
10.8.11. DPTX_AUX_BYTE8
10.8.12. DPTX_AUX_BYTE9
10.8.13. DPTX_AUX_BYTE10
10.8.14. DPTX_AUX_BYTE11
10.8.15. DPTX_AUX_BYTE12
10.8.16. DPTX_AUX_BYTE13
10.8.17. DPTX_AUX_BYTE14
10.8.18. DPTX_AUX_BYTE15
10.8.19. DPTX_AUX_BYTE16
10.8.20. DPTX_AUX_BYTE17
10.8.21. DPTX_AUX_BYTE18
11.4.1. DPRX0_MSA_MVID
11.4.2. DPRX0_MSA_NVID
11.4.5. DPRX0_MSA_HSP
11.4.6. DPRX0_MSA_HSW
11.4.9. DPRX0_MSA_VSP
11.4.10. DPRX0_MSA_VSW
11.4.13. DPRX0_MSA_MISC0
11.4.14. DPRX0_MSA_MISC1
11.4.15. DPRX0_MSA_COLOR
11.4.16. DPRX0_VBID
11.7.4. DPRX_AUX_BYTE0
11.7.5. DPRX_AUX_BYTE1
11.7.6. DPRX_AUX_BYTE2
11.7.7. DPRX_AUX_BYTE3
11.7.8. DPRX_AUX_BYTE4
11.7.9. DPRX_AUX_BYTE5
11.7.10. DPRX_AUX_BYTE6
11.7.11. DPRX_AUX_BYTE7
11.7.12. DPRX_AUX_BYTE8
11.7.13. DPRX_AUX_BYTE9
11.7.14. DPRX_AUX_BYTE10
11.7.15. DPRX_AUX_BYTE11
11.7.16. DPRX_AUX_BYTE12
11.7.17. DPRX_AUX_BYTE13
11.7.18. DPRX_AUX_BYTE14
11.7.19. DPRX_AUX_BYTE15
11.7.20. DPRX_AUX_BYTE16
11.7.21. DPRX_AUX_BYTE17
11.7.22. DPRX_AUX_BYTE18
11.7.23. DPRX_AUX_I2C0
11.7.24. DPRX_AUX_I2C1
11.7.26. DPRX_AUX_HPD
Visible to Intel only — GUID: hco1410462320619
5.1.1. Video Packetizer Path
The video packetizer path provides video data resampling and packetization.
The video packetizer path consists of the following steps:
- The mixed-width DCFIFO crosses the video data from the video clock domain (txN_vid_clk) into the main link clock domain (tx_ss_clk) generated by the transceiver. This main clock can be 270, 202.5, 135, 81, 67.5, or 40.5 MHz, depending on the actual main link rate requested and the symbols per clock.
- The pixel steer block aligns the video data so that the first active pixel of each video line occupies the least significant position.
- The pixel packer block decimates the video data to the requested lane count (1, 2, or 4).
- The pixel gearbox block resamples the video data according to the specified color depth. You can optimize the gearbox by implementing fewer color depths. For example, you can reduce the resources required to implement the system by supporting only the maximum color depths you need instead of the complete set of color depths specified in the VESA DisplayPort Standard.
- The DisplayPort Intel® FPGA IP packetizes the resampled data. The VESA DisplayPort Standard requires data to be sent in a transfer unit (TU), which can be 32 to 64 link symbols long. To reduce complexity, the DisplayPort source uses a fixed 64-symbol TU. The specification also requires that the video data be evenly distributed within the TUs composing a full active video line. A throttle function distributes the data and regulates it to ensure that the TUs leaving the IP are evenly packed. The pixel packetizer punctuates the outgoing video stream with the correct packet comma codes, such as blank end (BE), fill start (FS), and fill end (FE). Internally, the pixel packetizer uses a symbol and a TU counter to ensure that it respects the TU boundaries.
- The blank start generator determines when to send the blank start (BS) comma codes with their corresponding video data packets. This block operates in enhanced or standard framing mode.
Note: A minimal DisplayPort system should support both 6 and 8 bpc. The VESA DisplayPort Standard requires support for a mandatory VGA fail-safe mode (640 x 480 at 6 bpc).