Differential I/O Pins
Pin Name | Pin Functions | Pin Description | Connection Guidelines |
DIFFIO_RX_L[#:#][n,p], DIFFOUT_L[#:#][n,p] | I/O, dedicated RX channel, emulated LVDS output channel | When used as differential inputs, these are true LVDS receiver channels on left I/O banks. Pins with a "p" suffix carry the positive signal for the differential channel. Pins with an "n" suffix carry the negative signal for the differential channel. If not used for differential signaling, these pins are available as user I/O pins. When used as differential outputs, these are emulated LVDS output channels on left I/O banks. External resistor network is needed for emulated LVDS output buffers. Pins with a "p" suffix carry the positive signal for the differential channel. Pins with an "n" suffix carry the negative signal for the differential channel. If not used for differential signaling, these pins are available as user I/O pins. |
Connect unused pins as defined in the Quartus® Prime software. For the number of LVDS pair count for each MAX® 10 device, refer to the respective device pinout file. |
DIFFIO_RX_R[#:#][n,p], DIFFOUT_R[#:#][n,p] | I/O, dedicated RX channel, emulated LVDS output channel | When used as differential inputs, these are true LVDS receiver channels on right I/O banks. Pins with a "p" suffix carry the positive signal for the differential channel. Pins with an "n" suffix carry the negative signal for the differential channel. If not used for differential signaling, these pins are available as user I/O pins. When used as differential outputs, these are emulated LVDS output channels on right I/O banks. External resistor network is needed for emulated LVDS output buffers. Pins with a "p" suffix carry the positive signal for the differential channel. Pins with an "n" suffix carry the negative signal for the differential channel. If not used for differential signaling, these pins are available as user I/O pins. |
Connect unused pins as defined in the Quartus® Prime software. For the number of LVDS pair count for each MAX® 10 device, refer to the respective device pinout file. |
DIFFIO_RX_T[#:#][n,p], DIFFOUT_T[#:#][n,p] | I/O, dedicated RX channel, emulated LVDS output channel | When used as differential inputs, these are true LVDS receiver channels on top I/O banks. Pins with a "p" suffix carry the positive signal for the differential channel. Pins with an "n" suffix carry the negative signal for the differential channel. If not used for differential signaling, these pins are available as user I/O pins. When used as differential outputs, these are emulated LVDS output channels on top I/O banks. External resistor network is needed for emulated LVDS output buffers. Pins with a "p" suffix carry the positive signal for the differential channel. Pins with an "n" suffix carry the negative signal for the differential channel. If not used for differential signaling, these pins are available as user I/O pins. |
Connect unused pins as defined in the Quartus® Prime software. For the number of LVDS pair count for each MAX® 10 device, refer to the respective device pinout file. |
DIFFIO_RX_B[#:#][n,p], DIFFOUT_B[#:#][n,p] | I/O, dedicated RX channel, emulated LVDS output channel | When used as differential inputs, these are true LVDS receiver channels on bottom I/O banks. Pins with a "p" suffix carry the positive signal for the differential channel. Pins with an "n" suffix carry the negative signal for the differential channel. If not used for differential signaling, these pins are available as user I/O pins. When used as differential outputs, these are emulated LVDS output channels on bottom I/O banks. External resistor network is needed for emulated LVDS output buffers. Pins with a "p" suffix carry the positive signal for the differential channel. Pins with an "n" suffix carry the negative signal for the differential channel. If not used for differential signaling, these pins are available as user I/O pins. |
Connect unused pins as defined in the Quartus® Prime software. For the number of LVDS pair count for each MAX® 10 device, refer to the respective device pinout file. |
DIFFIO_TX_RX_B[#:#][n,p] | I/O, dedicated TX/RX channel | These are true LVDS transmitter channels or true LVDS receiver channels on bottom I/O banks. Pins with a "p" suffix carry the positive signal for the differential channel. Pins with an "n" suffix carry the negative signal for the differential channel. If not used for differential signaling, these pins are available as user I/O pins. | Connect unused pins as defined in the Quartus® Prime software. For the number of LVDS pair count for each MAX® 10 device, refer to the respective device pinout file. |
High_Speed | I/O | These are I/O pins. The High_Speed I/O pins have higher performance compared to the Low_Speed I/O pins. The High_Speed I/O pins reside in Banks 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. |
Connect unused pins as defined in the Quartus® Prime software. |
Low_Speed | I/O | These are I/O pins. The Low_Speed I/O pins have lower performance compared to the High_Speed I/O pins. The Low_Speed I/O pins reside in Banks 1A, 1B, and 8. |
Connect unused pins as defined in the Quartus® Prime software. |
RDN | I/O, Input | This pin is required for each OCT RS calibration block. OCT is only applicable for right I/O banks (banks 5 and 6) of 10M16, 10M25, and 10M50 devices. This pin is a dual-purpose pin, you can use the RDN pin as a regular I/O pin if the OCT calibration is not used. When you use OCT calibration, connect the RDN pin to GND through an external resistor. |
When you use OCT, tie these pins to GND through either a 25-, 34-, 40-, 48-, or 50-Ω resistor depending on the desired I/O standard. When the device does not use this dedicated input pin for the external precision resistor or as an I/O pin, Altera recommends you to connect the RDN pin to GND. |
RUP | I/O, Input | This pin is required for each OCT RS calibration block. OCT is only applicable for right I/O banks (banks 5 and 6) of 10M16, 10M25, and 10M50 devices. This pin is a dual-purpose pin, you can use the RUP pin as a regular I/O pin if the OCT calibration is not used. When you use OCT calibration, connect the RUP pin to VCCN through an external resistor. |
When you use OCT, tie these pins to the required VCCIO banks through either a 25-, 34-, 40-, 48-, or 50-Ω resistor depending on the desired I/O standard. When the device does not use this dedicated input pin for the external precision resistor or as an I/O pin, Altera recommends you to connect the RUP pin to VCCIO of the bank in which the RUP pin resides or GND. |
VREFB<#>N0 | Power, I/O | These pins are dual-purpose pins. For Banks 1A and 1B, the VREF pins are shared. Input reference voltage for each I/O bank. If a bank uses a voltage referenced I/O standard for input operation, then these pins are used as the voltage-reference pins for the bank. |
If you are not using the VREF pins in banks or shared banks, connect unused pins as defined in the Quartus® Prime software. When the VREF pins are used as I/O pins, they have higher capacitance than regular I/O pins which slow the edge rates and affect I/O timing. |